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她是多么地害怕!How frightened she was!

咱们十分发急。We were very frightened.

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他的话令她惊惶。His words frightened her.

她很容易受惊吓。She is easily frightened.

那名演员吓住我了。That actor frightened me.

怕一场小雾?Frightened of a little fog?

那是一匹受了惊的马吗?。Is that a frightened horse?

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她被一条杂种狗吓坏了。She was frightened by a cur.

但是拉卡帕没有被吓住。But Lhakpa was not frightened.

我听到那声音不禁大吃一惊。I was frightened at the sound.

受惊吓的鱼儿逃走了。The frightened fish fled away.

谷局长大惊。Valley Bureau grew frightened.

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与其说他是害怕,倒不如说他是含羞。He is more shy than frightened.

他流了血,可真吓坏我了。The blood really frightened me.

喧哗声使小孩惊恐万分。The noise frightened the child.

女孩最害怕人贩子!The frightened girl traffickers!

他在恐吓之下招认了。He was frightened into confessing.

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那条大狗使孩子十分惊恐。The large dog frightened the child.

惊吓鸟自由飞翔。Frightened bird's free from the net.

他们被闪电吓住了。A flash of lightning frightened them.