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扎实的知识,专注的用心,其在金石学的研究上成绩卓然。Solid knowledge of the intention to focus its research on epigraphy Zoran grade.

金石学在宋代成为专门的学问,取得了很高的成就。Epigraphy became a special discipline, and made great achievement in the Song Dynasty.

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元明两代是金石学发展过程中的相对衰退期。The Yuan and Ming Dynasty is a declining period in the course of the Epigraphy development.

本文试图探讨书法金石气的本质和如何追求金石气。The essence of calligraphic epigraphy and how to get epigraphy were discussed in this paper.

第四部分,宏观探讨清代金石学对书法实践的影响。This part explores the influence of Epigraphy of Qing Dynasty on the practice of calligraphy.

墓志的历史价值历来为金石学家、历史学家所重视。Historical researches on the epitaphs have attracted many specialists of epigraphy and historians.

第四部分,宏观探讨清代金石学对书法实践的影响。Part IV. This part explores the influence of Epigraphy of Qing Dynasty on the practice of calligraphy.

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欧阳修、赵明诚为金石学的创立和发展作出了巨大贡献。Ouyang Xiu and Zhao Mingcheng have made great contribution to the foundation and development of epigraphy.

在以后的三十年中,专心致于金石学收藏和研究,成为一代金石大师。Three decades later, to concentrate on epigraphy caused by collection and study, a generation of master stone.

可是生活的艰难也迫使他转向其他研究领域,如金石学与清代兵制。But difficult life also forced him to study other research areas, such as epigraphy Military System and the Qing Dynasty.

金石学在宋代兴起并取得了丰硕的研究成果,这是中国学术史上的一个显著变化。During the academic history of China, it is a remarkable changing that epigraphy rose and developed quickly in the Song Dynasty.

那是创造的特殊周年纪念日。"It's a special anniversary of creation, " said David Stuart, a specialist in Mayan epigraphy at the University of Texas at Austin.

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企业拥有一支经验丰富的专业技术人员队伍,我们想信,精诚所至,金石为开。Enterprises have a rich experience of professional and technical staff, we would like to letters, heartfelt Suozhi, epigraphy to open.

1984年成立的桂海碑林博物馆,旨在保护、研究、陈列和宣传桂林石刻。The aim of Guihai Forest of Steles Museum established in 1984 is designed to protect, research, display and disseminate Guilin epigraphy.

他以毕生的努力,为我国的金石学做出了卓越的贡献,赢得了国内外专家学者的敬仰。His lifelong efforts, the epigraphy of China has made outstanding contributions, won the admiration of experts and scholars at home and abroad.

作为酒具,仁和馆四系瓶上的这种与酒肆有关的名号反映了当时酒肆繁昌的现实。As a main type of wine vessels, the four-handle-bottle, especially those with the epigraphy of Ren He Guan reflects the prosperous of wine shops.

无论如何,应该注意的是,铭文研究是一门不精确的科学,聪明的伪造者能够用任何可能的风格来复制它。In any case, it should be noted that epigraphy is an inexact science and that clever forgers have been able to replicate just about any style imaginable.

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本文选择他有关金石碑版的两种代表著述,对其版本及内容略加考述,以反映他的撰作特色及论文观点。The author introduced two epigraphy works of Wang Qisun and analyzed their edition and content, in order to reveal their characteristic and literary views.

宋代史学的一个重要分支金石考古之学,在宋徽宗时有了极大的发展,但也是其衰歇之始。Epigraphy as an important branch of historiography in the Song Dynasty progressed radically under Emperor Huizong Song, but at the same time its decline began.

传统金石目录学作为中国金石学的基本组成部分,以其近千年的深厚积累,为石刻拓片书目控制提供了丰富的经验和理论借鉴价值。Being the basic part of Chinese Epigraphy, Bibliography of Epigraphy provides bibliographic control of stone rubbings abundant experience and theories for reference.