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之后他们可以再换回他们的掸邦军制服。They can return to their SSA uniforms afterwards.

2007年缅甸军政府曾邀请南掸邦军举行了一次和平会谈。The Burma Army invited the SSA 'South' for a peace talk in 2007.

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北掸邦军第一旅的单位遭缅军突然袭击。A unit of the SSA North's First Brigade attacked without provocation.

2005年,缅军和佤联军曾经发起针对掸邦军的联合军事行动。In 2005, the Burma Army and the UWSA launched a joint operation against the SSA South.

掸邦军正在编写3月13日作战历时4个月战役总结报告。The SSA is still compiling a report on the 4-month old campaign fought since 13 March.

自感知执行器使系统体积减小和重量减轻,并可以实现同位控制、提高控制的稳定性。SSA has advantages in decreasing system volume and weight , true collocation and increasing stability.

无论如何,掸邦军永远期待与缅甸军政府选择一个对于双方都安全的场所进行和平谈判。Anyhow the SSA will always welcome peace talks with the Burma Army if there is a safe venue for both sides.

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反政府的南掸邦军领导人约赛中将称,此次发生的最新冲突为在15天内第三次冲突。The latest clash, the third in 15 days, has been confirmed by the anti-Naypyitaw SSA South leader, Lt-Gen Yawdserk.

一位分析专家说,缅军是玩游戏,以防止停火武装与南掸邦军联手抗敌。One border analyst says the Burma Army is playing games to keep the ceasefire groups from teaming up with the SSA South.

本人今年三次亲自会见了掸邦军领导者,我们已与克伦民族联盟开会交流。”必图说。I personally met leaders of the SSA three times this year and we have an exchange committee with the KNU, " Bee Htoo said."

SSA浓度较高时,荧光激发光谱发生变化,但发射光谱不变。The excitation spectrum of SSA changes when its concentration is relatively higher, but the emission spectrum remains unchanged.

气溶胶光学厚度越大,辐射资料误差所引起的SSA解误差越小。Thirdly, the larger aerosol optical thickness is, the smaller the error of the SSA solution caused by the error of radiation data.

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“我们提前得到缅军行动情报,因为民众厌恶缅军暴行。”掸邦军军官称。"We received the information in advance, because the battalion is loathed by the local population for its excesses, " said an SSA officer.

该名匿名军官说,掸邦军表示,愿意同相关的所有国家进行合作,以解决金三角地区的毒品问题。Requesting anonymity, the officer said the SSA had offered its cooperation to all countries concerned in the resolution of the drug problem.

战斗发生两天后,据报道,缅军派出村民向北掸邦军道歉,他们说,这不过是一个误会。Two days after the attack, the Burma Army has reportedly sent villagers to apologize the SSA for their shooting saying because it was a mistake.

在各种下水污泥灰渣资源化技术中,将其回收作为骨材与卜作岚掺料,并应用于水泥砂浆,经相关研究初步证明可行。Among those reusing technologies, to apply SSA into cement mortar has been proved to be technically and economically feasible by previous research works.

南北掸邦军目前采取运动战游击战术,致使缅军造成许多伤亡。Both the SSA 'South' and the SSA 'North' have been employing mobile tactics against the Burma Army which have caused many casualties on the Burma Army side.

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“我们注意到大家对最近皇家婚礼都很兴奋,就想到建议将来会可能有一个伊莉莎白公主或上帝的礼物,”SSA写到。"We note the excitement about the recent royal wedding and suggest there may be a Princess Elizabeth, Frances, Valerie, or Dorothy in the future, " SSA writes.

如果你的年龄在65岁以上,或是等到你退休时会到这个年龄,应当一退休就登录ssa.gov或拨打800-772-1213,登记接收福利。If you're 65 or older, or will be by the time you retire, sign up online at or call 800-772-1213 to receive benefits immediately after you stop working.

上海船东协会是市场经济发展的产物,它由同业及相关行业的企业自愿组成,是一个自律性的非营利性社团组织。In accordance with the development of market economy, SSA is a non-profitable association originated by the shipping companies and related enterprises with voluntary.