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就像一位与会者总结的,“我们从哪里来?As one attendee summed up, “Where have we come from?

“我们聚在在那个美丽的地方,”一位出席聚会的员工回忆。"All of us together, in that beautiful place, " one attendee recalls.

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我们将会在活动当晚向所有参加者派发企业简介。All registrants will receive an attendee profile booklet on the night of the event.

莉莉丝的故事触动了我们所有人,包括与会的被子生产商帕姆。Lilith's story touched all of us, including Pam, an attendee who was a quilt maker.

栏位是指是否要求参加者回覆。The RSVP column indicates whether or not a response is requested from the attendee.

作为一个经常光顾当地农贸市场的人,我可以保证这是真的。As a regular attendee of one local farmers market, I can attest to the truth of this.

在圣地亚哥国际动漫博览会上一名嘉宾卖弄着他的美军上尉服装。An attendee at Comic-Con International in San Diego shows off his Capt. America costume.

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观众对2010年在华盛顿西雅图ASER会议的反馈是非常积极的。Attendee feedback from the ASER 2010 meeting in Seattle, Washington was extremely positive.

一个与会者提出HTC的研发成本是摩托罗拉的三分之一。One conference attendee suggested HTC’s research costs are a third of what Motorola spends.

一位‘黑帽’与会者希望安全研求人员在使用这套工具时,能从善如流。One Black Hat attendee said he expects only well-intended security researchers to use the tools.

参加1991年这次会议的计算机图形专家们,可能都曾经迷恋过“乒乓”游戏。Every attendee at this 1991 conference of computer graphic experts was probably once hooked on Pong.

紧接工作坊之后,有家长留后出席茶聚,互相交流亲子心得。Most of the attendee join us for the tea reception after the Workshop sharing on parenting vice versa.

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这里有一个好的点子,是来自中心巨型印刷厂的克里斯拜特利的。Here's a great tip from Chris Bitely, with Center PointLarge Print, a past attendee at one of my Telesales.

组合评审的频率、形式和参加者名单会根据组织的不同而不同。The frequency, format, and attendee list for a portfolio review will vary from organization to organization.

编辑您在上方清单中所选的参加者名称,或是新增一个参加者。Edits the name of the attendee selected in the list above, or adds a new attendee if there are no attendees in the list.

报名参加这些首批课程的学生将自动取得通行证,出席协作峰会。Students who register for these first Program offerings will get an automatic attendee pass for the Collaboration Summit.

实现司法裁判的和谐,需要通过融贯性的法律论证进行推动。In procedure aspect, argumentation from coherence needs an equal debate and dialogue among judge, party and other attendee.

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他在中心大型印刷点工作,曾出席过我的电话销售学院调研小组的出席。Here's a great tip from Chris Bitely, with Center Point Large Print, a past attendee at one of my Telesales College seminars.

一位北美放射学会会议出席者问,外科手术后多久T2加权序列成像显示异常高信号。An RSNA session attendee asked how long after surgery the abnormally high signal intensity on T2-weighted images would appear.

星期四,奥巴马总统首先向一位参加者,即女众议员吉福兹的丈夫宇航员凯利讲话。On thursday the president began with words to one attendee astronaut mark kelly the husband of congresswoman gabrielle giffords.