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警方对这一攻击的残忍感到震惊。Police were shocked by the viciousness of the assault.

然而,仇恨、妒忌和凶残又是什么呢?However, what are the jealousy, the hating and the viciousness?

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官方针对穷人的敌意之恶毒可以说是惊人的。The viciousness of the official animus toward the indigent can be breathtaking.

对于恶意代码提出了可实施的检测系统方案和删除的方法。An executable examining project and method of cleaning viciousness code are presented.

我们在诅咒蛇的恶毒的同时却又在庆幸它的存在。When we are cursing about the viciousness of the snake, we are actually pleased about its existence.

人身危险性与社会危害性、主观恶性、罪过均有区别,不可混淆。Personal danger is different from social harm, subjective viciousness and fault, as cannot be confused.

具有讽刺意味的是,它是把人间邪恶的责任委过于动物界的一种文化。It is, ironically, a culture that tries to pin on the animal world responsibility for human viciousness.

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对电影作品的网络“恶搞”是我国网络产业发展的新产物,在形式和内容上都有其显著特点。The internet viciousness of movie works is new product of the progress of internet industry in our country.

袋獾因其恶臭、烦人的尖叫和吃腐肉时的邪恶而闻名。Devils are known for their offensive odor, disturbing screeches and viciousness when they eat, mostly carrion.

这起事件的严重性、恶劣性和主观故意性恐怕要大大超过“三鹿奶粉”。This incident is surpasses the Sanlu milk scandal in its seriousness, viciousness and intentionally subjectiveness.

任何人都不应低估这场衰退的危害性。这场衰退可能席卷美国,并在2009年波及全球。No one should underestimate the viciousness of the recession likely to engulf America and spread round the world in 2009.

羞怯或凶恶的狗属于缺陷,相反的,在比赛中也要提防用过多奖励哄骗出来的狗。Judges should not condone shyness or viciousness. Conversely, judges should also beware of putting a premium on showiness.

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就像一个受污染的沼泽慢慢干枯一样,反对同性恋的偏执行为会越来越严重。Like a polluted swamp, anti-gay bigotry is likely to get thicker and more toxic as it dries up. Viciousness meets viscousness.

然而,似乎有一种特别的恶质伴随目前侵犯人权,在这个国家,并在世界上。Still, there seems to be a special viciousness that accompanies the current assault on human rights, in this country and in the world.

这转译成你们梦想中的邪恶战争,以及被缩短的寿命以及各种各样的衰老和疾病。This translates into the viciousness of war in your dreams along with shortened lifespan and aging and disease in all its varied expressions.

自然的并不必然是好的,不过,达尔文的学说仍被视作给普遍的凶残提供了一个坚实的理由。Of course what is natural is not necessarily good, but Darwin's notions are taken nonetheless as a bedrock justification for universal viciousness.

当然,阿富汗的问题有独特性,特别是其持续不断的叛乱程度很深,范围甚广。Afghanistan’s troubles are, of course, unique, especially in the viciousness and extent of its continuing insurgency, most often compared with Iraq’s.

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与生俱来的凶残使它们闻名于世,这一种族中,新孵化的幼龙在出生伊始就会努力的杀死自己的兄弟姐妹。Famous for their viciousness even from the first moments of life, newly hatched dragons of this species will try to kill their sibling while still in the nest.

攻击或试图攻击任何一个裁判或牵犬师则被认定为凶恶,对其他犬有攻击性或有好斗倾向将不被认定为凶恶。Viciousness A dog that attacks or attempts to attack either the judge or its handler, is definitely vicious. An aggressive or belligerent attitude towards other dogs shall not be deemed viciousness.

犯了罪的人也许认为自己侥幸逃过一劫,然而他对所作的每一个行为,每一次的道德堕落,都会越来越玷污圣所,知道有一天上帝完全弃圣所而去,人类社会充斥着我们自身的邪恶和毁灭行为。You may think you've gotten away with something, but every act of social exploitation, every act of moral corruption, pollutes the sanctuary more and more until such time as God is driven out entirely and human society is devoured by its own viciousness and death-dealing.