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但是谁又能证明这些小东西就是识别人类的线索呢?But just how telltale is this trail of microbiota?

上升趋势是存在内存泄漏的警示信号。The upward-sloping trend is a telltale sign of a memory leak.

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几百年前,晒黑的皮肤是暴露劳工身份的标记。A hundred years ago a suntan was the telltale mark of a laborer.

依据的标志是以“_atc”为前缀的文件已经编译过。The telltale sign is that files prefixed with "_atc" are compiled.

水面上漂浮的油斑指示出这艘船沉没的地点。A telltale patch of oil on the water marked where the boat went down.

他在她的舌头上和生殖器周围找到爱滋病的病征。He found telltale signs of AIDS on her tongue and around her genitals.

小的凸起也同样是隐藏在太阳内部的活动迹象。Small bulges are also telltale signs of hidden motions inside the sun.

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还有一种传说认为吸血鬼在镜子里没有反射影像。Another telltale sign of a vampire was a lack of reflection in mirrors.

在真正的排卵期,有一些迹象是你可以注意到的。During the actual ovulation period, there are a number of telltale signs.

我也了解到真爱是有共性的,也并非无迹可寻。I learned that true love has some universal qualities and telltale signs.

我想,几缕泄漏天机的氙气,将对我们的寻找大有帮助。I expect that a few telltale wisps of xenon could aid immensely in this search.

他认为厕所将能够检测我们的排泄物以发现疾病的迹象。Our toilets will check our excretions for telltale signs of disease, he suggests. M.

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我们三个一起站在洗澡间殷切等待仪器指示线的出现。The three of us stood in the bathroom eagerly waiting for the telltale line to appear.

他认为厕所将能够检测我们的排泄物以发现疾病的迹象。Our toilets will check our excretions for telltale signs of disease, he suggests. M.R.I.

当他撩起衣服时,我看到他的腹部和颈部长满了密密麻麻的皮疹。When he lifts his shirt I can see his stomach and neck are covered in the telltale rash.

而推着婴儿车的母亲们,则不愿和身穿单调制服的保姆在一起,显得非常无趣。Mothers pushed strollers, unaccompanied by nannies dressed in telltale monotone uniforms.

他们需走路小心,避开扔满了塑料袋的黑色地带,而那些塑料袋有些已经破裂,露出了里面的垢物。Careful steps were required to avoid the black stream littered with telltale plastic bags.

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现在彼得一看到他脖子上的绷带,那怒火的隐蔽闪光就出现了。Now as Peter's eyes discovered the bandaid on his neck, the telltale flicker of anger appeared.

股癣的症状是在身体腹沟处或大腿内侧出现斑状疹,伴随难以忍受的瘙痒。The symptoms include a patchy rash on the groin or inner thighs, along with the telltale itching.

不再有会泄密的可疑的号码,也不会有机会让那“按重拨键”的把戏得逞。No telltale suspicious numbers, no chance of getting caught out by the old "press redial" routine.