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飞机正在下降。The plane was descending.

汽球在下降。The balloon is descending down.

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用于双绳或单绳的下降。For descending on single or double rope.

你的斜方肌必须下沉。Your trapezius muscles should be descending.

我们现在朝向加拉巴戈斯裂谷沉下。We are descending into the Galapagos Rift Valley.

下重手打压房价!Descending the heavy hand snuffs out building price!

成分是按照重量递减的顺序列出的。Ingredients are listed in order of descending weight.

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直血管降支呈束状进入髓质。The descending vasa recta run in bundles into the medulla.

可以对这一列按升序或降序排序。You may sort this column in ascending or descending order.

其中之一就是上去下来的救世主形象。One of them is the descending and ascending redeemer figure.

默认情况下,搜索结果按降序显示。By default, search results are displayed in descending order.

未加工的头咆哮了,下降在不成器的猎人。Raw Head roared, descending upon the good-for-nothing hunter.

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在一些文化中,你会上天堂或是下地狱Some cultures have you going to Heaven or descending to Hell.

这些列可以按正序或倒序排序。These columns can be sorted in ascending or descending order.

您有五个海盗,排名5到1递减顺序排列。You have five pirates, ranked from 5 to 1 in descending order.

我可以把idiot这个词想象成一个人歪歪扭扭下楼梯的样子。I can picture the word idiot like a slinky descending the stairs.

往远处看去,你能看到滑翔伞从邻近的山峰俯冲下来。And in the distance you can see paragliders descending nearby peaks.

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沉降之子的起源实际上是来自上帝或来自神性。The origin of the Descending Sons is actually of God or the Godhead.

他对那几点按其重要性逐一谈了他的意见。He talked about all those points in descending order of importance.

沿着降结肠有几个憩室。Several diverticula are seen along the length of the descending colon.