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今天他在奥古斯塔国家高尔夫球场一杆进洞。He got a hole in one today at Augusta National.

Bracara是一个专门为皇帝,因此它的名字奥古斯塔。Bracara was dedicated to the Emperor, hence its name Augusta.

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华彬高尔夫俱乐部,位于长城脚下的“东方奥古斯塔”!Pine Valley Golf Club, the East Augusta at the foot of Great Wall.

美国乔治亚州东部社区,是奥古斯特的郊区。人口33,73。A community of eastern Georgia, a suburb of Augusta. Population, 33,73.

老虎伍兹作为职业选手第一次参加奥古斯塔国家俱乐部,便让整个球场俯首称臣。Playing in his first major as a pro, Woods made Augusta National beg for mercy.

没有布什政府操纵外包给意大利奥古斯塔海运公司吗?。Didn't the Bush administration outsource Marine One to the Italian company Augusta?

美国缅因州中西部的一个湖泊,位于奥古斯塔的北部,它是一个著名旅游胜地。A lake of west-central Maine north of Augusta. It is the center of a popular resort area.

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但是那是在教堂和我筹钱送她到奥古斯塔上学之前的事。But that was before we raised the money, the church and me, to send her to Augusta to school.

现在他二十七岁,被送到南部的坎帕尼亚,掌理奥古斯塔水渠。Now he, at twenty-seven, had been sent south to Campania and given command of the Aqua Augusta.

但是这位高尔夫明星至少风光了一次,他在奥古斯塔国家高尔夫球场一杆进洞。But the golfer does have at least one memorable shot. He got a hole in one today at Augusta National.

该公司为奥古斯塔及艾肯区的数家主要工厂提供全方位服务。This company provides turnkey service to several major industrial plants in the Augusta and Aiken area.

今年四月在奥古斯塔参加名人赛伍兹宣布复出,这是自他道歉以来第一次面对媒体。Woods faced media questioning for the first time on his return to golf at the Masters at Augusta in April.

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思嘉一直喜欢亚特兰大,她的理由恰恰就是萨凡纳、奥古斯塔和梅肯诋毁它的那些理由。Scarlett had always liked Atlanta for the very same reasons that made Savannah, Augusta and Macon condemn it.

这些无不反映出,“奥古斯都家族”的出现给家国关系所带来的深远变化和影响。All this reveals the far-reaching change and impact of domus Augusta on the relationship between family and state.

他今天在奥古斯塔的比赛中将球一杆进洞,但泰格伍兹在第十五洞时打出老鹰球挽回了比赛。He got a hole in one today at Augusta National. Not to be outdone, Tiger Woods eagled the 15th pole to salvage his round.

但是,身为四届奥古斯塔名人赛的冠军,伍兹说他很高兴能够重返高尔夫球场,粉丝们的欢呼声差点把我“吹跑”。But the four-time Augusta champion said he was happy to be returning to golf, and the welcome from the fans 'blew me away'.

量子阱奥古斯塔是一个标兵的凹印目录市场,生产的产品的一些北美最大的编目。QW Augusta is a pacesetter in the gravure catalog market, producing products for some of North America's largest catalogers.

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城筑于爱奥尼亚海奥古斯塔湾中的条形沙岛上,有两座桥梁同主岛相连。City was constructed on the Ionian Sea in the Augusta Bay Pratas strip, there are two bridges connected with the main island.

她给他生了一个女儿,不到一年就离开了他,暗示他和他的同父异母姐姐奥古斯塔关系暖昧。She bore him a daughter and left him within a year, hinting that he had an immoral relationship with his half sister Augusta.

最后,这个拥挤不堪的城市已实在无法容纳更多的人,那些源源不断的伤兵才被送到梅肯和奥古斯塔去了。Finally the choked town could take care of no more and the overflow of wounded was sent on to the hospitals at Macon and Augusta.