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我无话可说。I’m speechless.

我一时语塞。I was speechless.

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事实上我很无语。I'm actually speechless.

我无语。I was speechless at that time.

他站在那里一言不发。He just stood there speechless.

这个消息使南希无言以对。The news rendered Nancy speechless.

有一会儿他默默无言。For a moment he remained speechless.

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迷茫之中,我无言以对。Among the confusion, I am speechless.

寂静的大篷车传来一阵暴笑。A jest falls from the speechless caravan.

我无言以对,我想他们已经。I am speechless and I wish they had been.

我不知该说些什么。我无话可说。I don't know what to say. I'm speechless.

是一张图片上说的,我实在是无语了。The picture says it all, I am speechless.

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瘫在沙发上的林某半天说不出话来。Lin sofa in the half-day state speechless.

邻居太太哭笑不得,无言以对。Neighbors wife almost to tears, speechless.

奇怪地打开,却是立时怔住。Oddly open, but is sign stunned speechless.

杰西米、艾米莉和妈妈都哑言了。Jessica and Emily and mum all were speechless.

你会连话都说不出来。You will even become speechless with surprise.

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他绷着脸不说话。He kept a straight face and remained speechless.

他的脉搏衰微,热情安卧无语。When his pulse failing, passion speechless lies.

我动荡的灵魂在你的瞥见下变得沉默。And my unquiet mind, made speechless by Thy sight.