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它叫性别大战Battle of the Sexes.

这战役也结束了。The battle was over.

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那么这场战争就输定了吗?So is the battle lost?

接着战争开始了。Then the battle began.

他指挥了那场战斗。He directed the battle.

这已注定是一场败仗It was a losing battle.

我们战网上见!See you on Battle. net!

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他战死沙场。He was killed in battle.

他亲眼目睹了那场战斗。He witnessed the battle.

为圣经展开的争战。The Battle for the Bible.

激烈的战斗持续了一整天。The battle raged all day.

他们将会打胜仗。They will win the battle.

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这场战役肯定要失败的。This battle must be kaput.

这是一场胜负难测的战争。This is a doubtful battle.

上帝输过吗?Has God ever lost a battle?

他在战斗中指挥过军士。He commanded men in battle.

就像一场揭竿而起的战斗?Just like a battle rise up?

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知道是成功的一半。Knowing is half the battle.

接下来便是战斗环节Then would come the battle.

你在战场上孤独无助?And you in the battle alone?