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半变态的经历缺少蛹的阶段的蜕变的。用于某些昆虫。Undergoing a metamorphosis that lacks a pupal stage. Used of certain insects.

但是在眼发育后期,昆虫在蛹期就可以感光。However, late in the development of the eye, the insects in the pupal stage begin to sense light.

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高龄幼虫,观察了在不同饲料条件下不同密度对黄粉虫幼虫死亡率、幼虫增重、蛹重等指标的影响。The effects of larval density on larval survival, mass, and pupal mass were studied in this paper.

把蚊子的成虫或及幼虫蛹杀灭,可防止蚊子滋生。Mosquito breeding can be forestalled by killing the insect at its adult or and larval pupal stages.

饲育期间,土壤必须保持湿润,多水对蛹期极为不利。Soil must be kept wet in rearing the immature stages, but too much water is mot good for the pupal stage.

到蛹期,翅芽、触角和足明显长大,并出现感觉毛。In the pupal stage, the wing buds, antennae and legs are prolonged and covered with abundant sensory hairs.

该虫在四川省卧龙自然保护区一年发生两代,通常以蛹越冬。In general, it has two generations per year in Wolong Reserve, Sichuan Province. It hibernates in pupal stage.

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壬醛酸、月桂酸、9-十二碳烯酸为首次从蚕蛹脂肪酸中检测出的成分。Azelaic semialdehyde, dodecanoic acid and 9-lauroleic acid were found in silkworm pupal fatty acids for the first time.

本实验利用丝厂副产物蚕蛹为原料,研究了家蚕蛹油的提取工艺。In this research, the dry silkworm pupaes, which are one kind of the silk industry product were used to extracting pupal oil.

如果伴严重的寄生虫感染的成年蝴蝶离开蛹期,它开始自它的身体渗出液体和死亡。If the adult butterfly leaves the pupal stage with a severe parasitic infection, it begins oozing fluids from its body and dies.

人们希望人为调节家蚕的蛹期,以实现鲜茧缫丝,提高丝质。In order to achieve fresh cocoon filature and raise the quality of silk, people want to prolong the pupal stage by artificial methods.

幼虫取食四种不同寄主植物对卵的孵化率、蛹的历期、产卵前期和成虫寿命影响不大。The relationships between egg hatchability, pupal duration, egg prophase and adult longevity on different host plants were not significant.

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对虾、蟹、蝇蛹和蝉子虫为原料的甲壳素和壳聚糖的吸湿性和保湿性进行了研究。Hygroscopicity and moisture retention of chitins and chitosans from shrimp shell, crab shell, fly pupal cases and verhoeff were investigated.

纤维或类似纤维材料的保护壳,由蛾或其他昆虫的幼虫做成,作为其蛹阶段的覆盖物。A protective case of silk or similar fibrous material spun by the larvae of moths and other insects that serves as a covering for their pupal stage.

老熟幼虫一般在被害叶片背面或枯叶、叶柄、叶脉及杂草上吐丝做薄茧化蛹,蛹期5-15天。Mature larvae usually leaves the victim or the back of the leaves, petioles, veins and weeds on a thin silk cocoon so pupation, pupal stage 5-15 days.

葱蝇幼虫取食四种不同寄主植物的存活率、幼虫历期、蛹重、成虫羽化率、单雌产卵量之间差异显著。On all host plants, significant relationships were founded between larval survival, duration of larval stage, pupal weight, adult eclosion rate and fecundity.

也许是初三那一年里,在折腾中的我,受了点教训,于是,便在那丝丝隐约的痛中长大了,如蛹破茧化蝶般。Are perhaps three days of the year, in the torment of me, lessons, therefore, it fishes in that vague pain in the grown up, such as breaking pupal cocoon-like.

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采用蛹蛋白粘胶长丝为主要原料开发纬编针织内衣面料,拓宽新原料在针织产品开发中的应用范围。In this paper, the method to develop functional knitted underwear by use of pupal protein-viscose filament and other fibers as main raw material was discussed.

跳甲取食天数的不同只对小菜蛾的蛹重影响差异显著,小菜蛾的蛹重随着跳甲取食天数的增多而降低。SFB feeding on different days only has significant influence over the pupal weight of DBM, and hasn't any significant influence on the other biological parameters.

随着雌蜂密度增加,寄主蛹的寄生率和平均每头寄生蛹中的子蜂数相应提高,但平均每雌产的子蜂数则逐渐减少。With an increase in female parasitiod density, there was a corresponding increase in pupal parasitization rate and the average number of progeny per parasitized pupae.