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倒在碎石中。In the rubble.

到处都是碎石和垃圾。Rubble and rubbish lie everywhere.

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我们赤脚爬出碎砖堆。We climbed out of the rubble barefooted.

战后许多城市到处可见颓垣残壁。After the war many cities were full of rubble.

那曾一度是宫殿的地方,现在却变成了一片瓦砾。What was once a palace is now a pile of rubble.

真理就像珍珠一样,而谎言像堆成山的垃圾。The Truth is a pearl. Lies are mountains of rubble.

震后两周海地被埋男子获救。Man rescued from Haiti rubble two weeks after quake.

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而你,可怕的衰退先生,从瓦砾中现身。You, the dreaded recession, appeared from the rubble.

树木,垃圾和板条到处都是。There are trees and wood and rubble strewn everywhere.

杰巴利亚的一家人在废墟上休息。A family rests on the rubble of their home in Jebaliya.

梅拉把这些天灾石碾成一堆碎片。Mehlar crushes the scourgestones into a pile of rubble.

幸存的人家燃起熏香,在一片废墟中悲泣。Families lit incense and wept in front of piles of rubble.

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一台推土机清除拉法口岸附近地道口的废墟。A bulldozer removes rubble near a tunnel entrance at Rafah.

截止周一,死尸仍不断从瓦砾堆里被扒出。Bodies were still being pulled from the rubble late Monday.

一些近地天体被认为是松散的碎石构成的。Some NEOs are thought to be loosely packed piles of rubble.

一辆失事车辆在碎石堆里被发现,日本気仙沼。A wrecked car is found among the rubble in Kesennuma, Japan.

但是甘伯却让他们大吃一惊,他自己正艰难的拽掉压在他身上的碎石块。But the men surprised themselves by dragging the rubble off.

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就这样,很多人还在帐篷或瓦砾里生活。So there are people still living in tents, or in the rubble.

地震的巨大力量将成吨的碎石炸入水库中。The force of the quake sending tons of rubble into its lake.

死星用这种武器将奥德朗轰成碎片。With this weapon, the Death Star reduced Alderaan to rubble.