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它们是怎样得到的,及其相互间联系How did they get--how do these numbers interrelate?

而薪酬制度、薪酬体系的设计对完成上述任务息息相关。The design of salary system is interrelate with the tasks.

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首先,我们引入了时态型的定义以及相关的概念。First, we introduce a definition of temporal type and the interrelate conception.

可以将个人的背景、经历,以及知识融入演讲的主题中。Use your background, experience, and knowledge to interrelate your subject matter.

两者互为表里,互为依托,相互联系而又各具特色。They depend on and interrelate with each other, and have their own characteristics.

科恩说道,“你一次性记住的信息是相互联系的。The information you can hold in your mind at one time is the information you can interrelate.

用那句著名的互连网语句来说,谁知道和你聊天的是人还是一只狗?。Interrelate famously with thatfornet statement, what who knowstochat with you is person or a dog?

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学生将会学习发展中国家和发达国家的经济,以及他们是如何互相影响的。Students will learn about the economics of developed and developing nations and how these interrelate.

介绍了雷达接收机噪声及其相关函数的特点。This paper introduces the characteristics of the noise in radar receiver and its interrelate function.

本文对现代远程开放教育提出了四个观念转变和相关探讨性的建议。In this paper, I will put forward four suggestions for changing concept and some interrelate discussion.

更多混乱结果当学习者试着去相互关连在学派被教的不同题目的时候。Much more confusion results when the learner tries to interrelate the various subjects taught at school.

文艺和审美乃是一种交叉关系,文艺美学就是和美学相交叉的一门边缘学科。Literature and aesthetics interrelate and literary aesthetics is a subject closely related to aesthetics.

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人类剧本来自原型彼此在生命舞蹈中互相作用的方式。The scripts for humans are drawn from the manner in which the archetypes interrelate with one another in the dance of life.

当今世界,文化与经济、政治相互联系、相互渗透、相互交融,在综合国力竞争中的地位和作用越来越突出。In the present world culture and economy and politics interrelate with and penetrate each other and play more important roles.

通过这种方法,孩子们能对如何经营一家企业有一个整体的认识,并可以了解不同部门的相互关系。By doing so, their children gain an overall knowledge of the operations of the business andhow the various departments interrelate.

但是当您在构建大型的系统时,我们想要只关注于类在聚合度方面是如何联系的,以及是如何隔离的。When building large systems, however, we want to focus not only on how classes interrelate in terms of cohesion, but also how they are separated.

此文目的在于呼吁我国加强域名的法律保护,完善相关的法律和制度。This article is in order to call on our country to strengthen the legal protection of domain name and perfect the interrelate law and regulations.

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这两个函数看起来虽然不同,但它们之间是相互关联的,都要求安全令牌必须是可信的,并且信任也必须要以某种形式的令牌表示。These two functions may seem different, but they interrelate in that security tokens must be trusted, and trust must be represented by some form of token.

本条款描述了框架中风险管理的各组成部分,及其相互联系,如图2所示。This clause describes the necessary components of the framework for managing risk and the way in which they interrelate in an iterative manner, as shown in Figure 2.

对于SOA、云计算、移动技术、外包,人们有太多的讨论,但是没有人能说清楚这些趋势之间的相互作用。There's a lot of talk about SOA, or Cloud, or mobile technologies, or outsourcing, or what have you, but nobody had worked through how all of these trends interrelate.