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本彩条供普拉多2005使用。It is for Prado 2005 Autobody using.

普拉多和黑色密切合作,在中央情报局。Prado and Black worked closely at the CIA.

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在普拉多有一戈雅展览正在''。There is a goya exhibition on at the prado.

在普拉多有一戈雅展览正在展出。There is a goya exhibition on at the prado.

感谢研究助理法蒂娜德尔普拉多女士的协助。The research assistance of Ms. Fatima del Prado is gratefully acknowledged.

湖大,抛入高地和埃尔普拉多在湖边的一些社区。Lago Grande, Westhaven Heights and El Prado by the Lake are some of the communities.

那时我在埃尔·普拉多大街上缓步走着,心想不知赫尔南多会怎样处理这笔钱呢?Now, walking slowly along EL Prado , I wonder what Hernando would do with the money.

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「男性沙文主义破坏了伊斯兰教作为一种平衡的生活态度的可能性,」普拉多说。"Male chauvinism is the destruction of Islam as a well-balanced way of life, " Mr Prado said.

今天早上我的一个叫安普拉多的来到了我的办公室,她是我以前在东南加洲大学的学生。This morning Anne Prado , one of my students at the University of Southwestern California, came to my.

2006年起,由我公司本地化生产PRADO车备胎罩,代替原日本进口产品。From 2006, PRADO spare tire covers made by our company are instead of initial products imported from Japan.

轻松地漫步穿越公园即可抵达艺术金三角,包括普拉多和蒂森博物馆。A short stroll away across the park is the Golden Triangle of Art. This includes the Prado and Thyssen Museums.

2006年起,由我公司本地化生产PRADO车备胎罩,代替原日本进口产品。From 2006, PRADO Rear spare tire covers are produced by our company locally instead of original products imported from Japan.

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戴尔普拉多和松岛的宠物医院,动物医院,宠物兽医,角珊瑚,迈尔斯堡,喷,中性,狗,猫,牙科。Del Prado and Pine Island Hospital, Pet Hospital, "Animal, " pet vet century Coral, Fort Myers, spray, neutral, and "dogs" and cats and teeth.

生于1957年的奥乌卡•莱蕾,自幼年起便开始画画,一直受到大自然与普拉多博物馆大师们风格的影响。Born in Madrid in 1957, Ouka Leele started painting when she was very young, always influenced by the Nature and the great masters from Museo del Prado.

但如果蒙娜丽莎是挂在马德里的普拉多博物馆,或是维也纳的艺术历史博物馆,它恐怕永远达不到现今如此广泛推崇的制高地位。If the Mona Lisa were hanging in the Prado in Madrid or the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, it would never have achieved the cosmic ranking that it now enjoys.

由于19及20世纪时期的西班牙没有资格从殖民扩张中掠取艺术品收藏,因而普拉多保持了它的原有风格,并很明晰的反映了西班牙的鉴赏发展史。Because Spain in the 19th and 20th centuries was in no position to collect art, the Prado kept its original shape, reflecting the history of taste in Spain in a very resonant way.