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但是我不能走进酒吧去找一个25岁的姑娘,不然他们都会当我是色狼。They'd think I'm a pervert.

山帝,我觉得你是个性变态。Sandy, I think you're a pervert.

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重新堕落哟-迁就的女娃!And new pervert a reconciled maid!

让一个悔罪的姑娘重新犯罪。And new pervert a reconciled maid.

不过她有老娘买给她的防变态报警器挖哈哈。She has even bought me a " Pervert Alarm".

将目光从她身上移开,我们不需要表现得像个变态。There's no need to behave like a psycho pervert.

当她指控他是性变态者,他气炸了。He blew up at her when she accused him of being a pervert.

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您能就此性变态的身份向我们陈述一下吗?Can you give us a statement as to the identity of the pervert?

读这种愚昧的故事会败坏你对好书的嗜好。Reading such silly stories will pervert your taste for good books.

歪曲一个人所说的就是对其所说给予错误的理解。To pervert what a person has said is to give a wrong meaning to it.

你们一定不要想像,对于变态狂,幻见扮演相同的角色。You must not imagine that for the pervert phantasy plays the same role.

意大利是个堕落的小贱人,心甘情愿被俄罗斯使唤。" And "Italy is a little pervert who has become Russia's willing bitch!"

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谢谢,我回办公室去了,继续感觉像个性变态。Well, I'm gonna go back in my office and continue to feel like a huge pervert.

真的,神必不作恶,全能者也必不颠倒是非。Yea, surely God will not do wickedly, neither will the Almighty pervert judgment.

你给我一个“人肉叉烧饱”的变态角色我会很兴奋。If you give me the role of a pervert in "Human Flesh Bun", I would be very excited.

她们骂我不学好骂了一个小时。爷爷在一边偷笑。They yelled at me for being a pervert for an hour, while my grandpa sat and chuckled.

恐怕喝了就忘记律例,颠倒一切困苦人的是非。Lest they drink, and forget the law, and pervert the judgment of any of the afflicted.

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将目光从她身上移开,我们不需要表现得像个变态。Look at her for a millisecond, and move on. There’s no need to behave like a psycho pervert.

不可受贿赂,因为贿赂能使明眼人眼瞎,能颠倒正义者的言语。Neither shalt thou take bribes, which even blind the wise, and pervert the words of the just.

请你不要认为我是一个变态的己,我只是一个在寻找在尔性命开初就被夺走的东东。Please do not perceive me as a pervert who thirsts for love, someone who possesses prurience.