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胖蛋坐在墙上。Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall.

矮胖的人有大的下降。Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

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矮胖的普蒂坐在墙上。Humpty Dumpty sits on his wall.

蛋壳先生也不能再恢复原来的样子!Couldn't put Humpty together again!

蛋也不能再恢复原来的样子。Couldn't put Humpty together again.

“让我们一起听听,”矮梯胖梯回答。"Let's hear it, " said Humpty Dumpty.

恐怕我们俩之间的伤痕太深了。I'm afraid with me and humpty the scars are too deep.

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“对不起,”皮特说,“你是汉仆.达谱吗?”"Excuse me,"said Peter Cottontail,"Are you Humpty Dumpty?"

“你们应该问问汉仆.达谱,”三只小猪建议。"You should ask Humpty Dumpty,"suggested the three little pigs."He

正如矮座椅沙发所说,问题在于谁是主人。The question is, just as Humpty Dumpty said, which is to be master.

“你们应该问问汉仆.达谱,”三只小猪建议。"You should ask Humpty Dumpty, "suggested the three little pigs."He

所有马和那些人都能再次一同放矮胖的人。All of horses and all of the men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again.

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我觉得这个能很好的起到作用,但是直到我星期二晚上我的iphone掉在水泥上面,iphone的玻璃面变得像童谣里面一样粉碎。I thought it would work beautifully until I dropped my iPhone on the concrete on Tuesday evening. The phone’s glass became a Humpty Dumpty look-a-like.

“不要哭,小猫,”汉仆.达谱说,“今天早上我看见三只小猫在胡说河边的高草中藏他们的拳击手套。”"Do not cry, little kittens, "said Humpty Dumpty."This morning I saw three little kittens hide their mittens in the tall grass next to the Babbling Brook."

一眨眼的功夫,一本关于生态系统的厚重的大册子就把我的这个有生命的星球玻璃膜压得粉碎,它的液体内脏像毁灭的汉普蒂-邓普蒂一样无可挽回地搅和在一起。In a blink, a heavy tome on ecosystems crushed the glass membrane of my living planet, irrevocably scrambling its liquid guts in a fatal Humpty Dumpty maneuver.

“我们看见了又大又粗的线,有点像令人厌恶的黄麻地毯,”他在最近的一次采访时说,“问题是怎样把它回复原样。”“We saw the big, coarse threads that looked sort of like a nasty jute rug, ” he said in an interview recently. “The question was how to get Humpty Dumpty back together again.”

于是雕刻家汤姆·欧体尼斯在2005年的梅西百货游行队伍中制作了一款“顽皮胖子”的气球,取自一个童谣的角色,悬浮在空中不停的翻滚,上下摇动。In that spirit the sculptor Tom Otterness created a Humpty Dumpty balloon for Macy's in 2005, depicting that nursery-rhyme character suspended upside-down in a perpetual tumble.

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1947年,艺术家和设计师哈里罗伊帕克单克隆抗体工作时联手为戈特利布弹球公司创建蒂四分五裂,这是第一个弹球游戏功能潜水活动。In 1947, artist Roy Parker and designer Harry Mabs teamed up while working for the Gottlieb pinball company and created Humpty Dumpty, which was the first pinball game to feature flippers.

楠萨奇和其它森林收益递增的故事,以及来自斯图亚特•皮姆微观世界的数据,叠合成强有力的经验,皮姆称之为“汉普蒂•邓普蒂效应”。The story of Nonsuch and the other forests of increasing returns, as well as the data from Stuart Pimm's microcosms overlap into a powerful lesson that Pimm calls the Humpty Dumpty Effect.