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王身敦于1983年任合众国际社摄影记者,自此开始了24年的摄影记者生涯。Andrew started his 24-year long photojournalist career as he joined UPI in 1983.

据合众社报道,泄密网站"维基解密"创始人阿桑奇成为国际刑警的要犯,并且已经遭到全球通缉。WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is on Interpol's most-wanted list, UPI reported.

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美国合众国际社报道,周四公布的一项民调显示奥巴马以51%对40%的支持率领先麦凯恩。Obama leads McCain 51 percent to 40 percent in a poll released Thursday, UPI reported.

组织开展对境外机构案件分享及案件处理培训,提供专业咨询。Organize case training and workshop on anti-fraud topic and provide judicial consulting services to UPI members.

官方报告送达政府部门之前,华盛顿方面已经从合众社杰克詹姆斯的新闻中获悉了朝鲜入侵的消息。Washington got word of the invasion from Jack James’ UPI dispatch, which arrived before the official cable to the State Department.

据合众国际社报道,意大利16日庆祝了世界"慢日",庆祝形式包括提供免费公交,举行诗歌比赛,免费教授瑜伽和太极课程等。Italians marked World Slow Day Tuesday with free public transportation, poetry contests and free yoga and Tai Chi lessons, UPI reported.

两名观看了周二晚辩论的肢体语言专家表示,奥巴马的表现比麦凯恩好,而另一名专家认为二人打成平手。Obama won the non-verbal portion of the presidential debate, with body language experts giving his relaxed posture the edge, UPI reported.

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据合众社报道,美国科学家表示,人类的祖先曾有第六感,能够感知水中的电场,从而进行捕猎和交流。Humans are descended from ancestors possessing a sixth sense to detect electrical fields in water to find prey and communicate, U. S. scientists say, UPI reported.

多西,研究中东问题长达30多年,曾在华尔街邮报、纽约时报、基督教科学箴言报以及美联社担任过资深驻外记者等职。DORSEY has covered the Middle East as a journalist for more than 30 years for outlets including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Christian Science Monitor, and UPI.

美国宾夕法尼亚州一名耄耋老人,在他生命中可能是最后一个狩猎季里,仅用一枪就成功捕杀一头雄鹿,这真是一个“好兆头”。According to the on December 8, a Pennsylvania old man had an auspicious start to what may be his last deer hunting season, bagging a buck with one shot, the largest he's ever shot.