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对于我而言,这有关洞察力。For me, it's about discernment.

这就是察验的重要性。This is when discernment is so important.

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我相信所有老师们的眼力。I believe that all teachers of discernment.

这是眼光和选择的问题。It's a question of discernment and of choice.

在选择酒上他显示了很大的鉴别能力。He showed great discernment in his choice of wine.

有一个能很好地描述这个过程的词叫灵性识别。The fancy term for this process is Spiritual Discernment.

我有个朋友对人的心理有不可思议的洞察力。A friend of mine has an uncanny psychological discernment.

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洞察力和分析一定要产生结论和想法。Discernment and analysis must lead to conclusions and ideas.

对于所谓有识别力的人来说,这是很讨厌的。This is very annoying to people of what is called discernment.

因为密涅瓦帮助她,给了她勇气和洞察力。For her Minerva aided and endowed with courage and discernment.

同时,性上瘾患者甄别合适男友的能力也差强人意。Sex addicts also have poor discernment skills for choosing boyfriends.

第4章新准则下盈余管理手段的识别方法。Chapter 4 The discernment methods of surplus management in new criterion.

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这是能使清楚的感知和了解变得模糊的事物。This is something that serves to obscure clear perception and discernment.

顿悟的机遇可以是坠入爱河、身患癌症、读了某本书。A discernment situation could be fall ing in love, suffering cancer, reading a book.

请勿把属灵洞察力与个人见解,含沙射影,造谣诽谤或流言蜚语混为一谈。Don't mistake spiritual discernment for merely opinion, innuendo, slander, or gossip.

我们怎样达成关于撒旦的存在的,一种合理的道德上的识别和洞察?How are we supposed to arrive at some kind of proper moral discernment of Satan's being?

你必须拥有审慎的念住与合理的明辨这个人类价值。You have to be endowed with the human values of circumspect mindfulness and reasonable discernment.

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现在让我把曾说过的关于词汇的崇高的话,馈赠给那些富于内在洞察力的人。And now let what I have said about the sublimity of words suffice for those with innate discernment.

这能量已由三位一体星际之门提供,这当然需要你的选择与鉴别才能达成。The energy that is offered in the Triad Stargates, as always involve your choice and your discernment.

当然,由于她的潜意识作怪,她从今年一开始就不喜欢博恩斯教授。Of course, her natural discernment had warned her against Professor Burns since the beginning of the year.