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序曲还是交响诗?。Overture or symphonic poem?

交响幻想曲,作品49,“波希奥拉的女儿”Symphonic Fantasy, Op. 49, Pohjolas Daughter.

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当一个人从收音机中听交响音乐会时。Often when one listens to a symphonic concert on the radio.

他的新作品,组合了交响乐、合唱与歌剧的各种成分。His new work combines symphonic choral and operatic elements.

大自然的和声世界被人类的工业噪音淹没了。Nature's symphonic world was drowned by man's industrial cacophony.

第六节,叙述了主要交响诗作品的配器手法。Section VI describes the major work orchestrated symphonic poem means.

郑小瑛指挥过超过1000场的歌剧和交响音乐会。Zheng Xiaoying has performed more than1000 opera and symphonic concerts.

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郑小瑛指挥过超过1000场的歌剧和交响音乐会。Zheng Xiaoying has performed more than 1000 opera and symphonic concerts.

从大型交响乐音效到有着不可思议的灿烂音色的爵士号嘴。From the grandest symphonic sounds to the most brilliant jazz mouthpieces.

他自己的“解脱”的冲击,大提琴,低音就是一部史诗,交响乐的旅程。His own "Moksha" for percussion, cellos , and bass is an epic, symphonic journey.

我想就是他们所谓的,交响乐团。他们也有更多巡演。I think that's what they're called, the symphonic orchestra. They travel a lot more too.

今晚,罗马交响乐团在学院音乐厅举行交流音乐会演出。Tonight, the Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma presented a symphonic concert at our Concert Hall.

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当然,谁都知道,只用三根弦演奏一部交响乐作品是不可能的事。Of course, anyone knows that it is impossible to play a symphonic work with just three strings.

事实上,当那些交响明星们整装登场之时,古典音乐会也是场绝伦的表演。In fact, when the symphonic stars align, classical music concerts make for quite brilliant theatre.

有时候当作品中有背景主题的时候,交响乐的创作中会增加强度。Further strength is sometimes added to his symphonic aspirations when there is a background agenda at work.

擅长吹英国号和双簧管的她梦想著未来成为「一个乐队的指挥或是著名的交响乐团双簧管乐手」。Gifted on English horn and oboe, she envisioned a career as "a band director or a famous symphonic oboist."

第三节,较为详细的分析了主要交响诗作品中动机与主题的使用。Section III, a more detailed analysis of the major works of symphonic poem the theme of motivation and use.

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这些作品标志着我国交响音乐创作走上了健康发展之路。These works all provided evidence that Chinese symphonic music had embarked on a road of healthy development.

瑜伽像音乐。身体的节奏,思想的步调,心灵的和声,构成生命的交响曲。Yoga resembles music. Body's rhythm , the thought pace , intelligent harmony , symphonic music composing life's.

本文主要以他的交响诗作为研究对象,对其进行作曲技法和创作风格方面的研究。In this paper, with his symphonic poem for the study, their techniques and creative style of composition studies.