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以光柱支撑苍天梦到的他?。And pillared the blue firmament with light?

湖的对面是一个有柱廊的小旅店。Facing the lake was a little inn with its pillared veranda.

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有柱的礼堂或祷告室就位于garba-griha前面。Pillared halls or mandapas are found preceding the garba-griha.

有一长排的计程车在有柱的拱廊下等。There was a long line of taxis waiting under the pillared arcade.

柱撑粘土矿物层间域是一个特殊的化学反应场所。The pillared clays interlayer is a special site in chemical reaction.

棕榈树和圆柱连环拱廊的阴影投在发烫的人行道上。Palm trees and pillared arcades cast shadows over the burning pavements.

合成了一种硅钛柱撑蒙脱土微孔材料。Then synthesis Si-Ti pillared MMT based on TEOS by the process of sol-gel.

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合成了一种硅钛柱撑蒙脱土微孔材料。Microporous Si-Ti pillared montmorillonite materials were prepared in this paper.

本发明涉及一种用柱撑粘土制备一氧化碳变换催化剂的方法。The invention relates to a method for preparing a CO shift catalyst by using pillared clay.

第二件此类建筑坐落在乔治大街上国王大街与亨特大街之间,以柱子和楹廊装饰。The second was pillared and portico'ed , and situated in George Street between King and Hunter Streets.

它有古老的柱式结构建筑,两旁植树的街道。这里的魅力和生活节奏与莫斯科相距有数世纪之遥。It has old pillared buildings, trees lined streets and a charm and pace of life centuries removed from Moscow.

庙里有立柱支撑起的厅堂,雕琢得极其美丽的长廊,还有蝙蝠和焚香的气味。There were pillared halls, long corridors carved most beautifully, and there was the smell of bats and of incense.

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结果表明,用表面活性剂改性的柱撑蒙脱石,能大幅度提高对苯酚的吸附能力。It reveals that using modified pillared montmorillonite with surfactant can improve the adsorbing capacity greatly.

汽车工业是一个国家的支柱产业,影响着该国的经济的主要因素。The automobile industry is a national pillared industry, which is the primary factor affecting a country's economy.

层柱材料由于结构和性能极易调变的性质已引起人们的广泛兴趣。Pillared layered materials are mostly mesoporous and they are noticed for the versatility in structure and property.

钛柱撑膨润土的制备过程中,煅烧温度至关重要。During the synthesis process of titanium oxide pillared bentonite, the calcinations temperature is the most important.

相对于层柱蒙脱土,层柱皂石显示了更高的催化裂解性能和热稳定性。Compared with the alumina pillared montmorillonite, the pillared saponite exhibited higher cracking activity and better thermal stability.

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本文对柱撑膨润土的制备、成型及其对水中微量重金属离子和有机污染物的吸附进行了研究。This article studied the synthesis of pillared bentonites , shaping, and the adsorption of trace heavy metals and organic compounds in water.

在所得的柱状框架层中,柱状支撑层最终决定了各个层之间的相互作用,并使其达到自发磁化的效果。In the resulting pillared layer framework, the pillars determine the interactions between individual layers, enabling spontaneous magnetization.

层柱粘土矿物质是一种新型的纳米复合材料。介绍了这种纳米复合材料的制备方法、构与性能特征及潜在的应用前景。Pillared interlayer clay is a new type nanocomposites. In this paper, the preparation methods, structure, properties and application prospects are summarized.