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这周围的乡村风多石头多。The surrounding countryside is windswept and rocky.

微风吹拂沙丘和挥舞草边境大西洋。Windswept dunes and waving grasses border the Atlantic Ocean.

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在狂风扫虐过后的爱荷华州,成熟的玉米穗在秋收来临之前已经干瘪了。In windswept Iowa, ears of mature corn dry ahead of the autumn harvest.

成群的难民涌到海拔四千米之上大风肆掠的寒冷隐匿处。Hordes of refugees fled to frigid, windswept hideouts above 13,000 feet.

第二天,人们发现她的货车被遗弃在寒风凛冽的乡村路边。Her van was found abandoned by the side of a windswept rural road late the next day.

那一片暴露在风中的灌木丛在雷哲毕眼中就如同杂乱的沙拉吧台,他信手就摘下了一片薄薄的绿色叶片。Treating the windswept brush as an unkempt salad bar, he plucked a thin green blade.

她在一间建立在经常大风肆虐的简陋的,环境很艰苦的具有苏联风格的建筑物里接见了我们。She meets us in her sparse office, a grim, Soviet-style building set on a windswept plain.

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和贝尔佐尼一样,雪莱笔下的人物发现了一个巨大的半身像,半埋在狂风吹扫的砂砾之中。Like Belzoni, Shelley's character discovers a great bust, half-buried in the windswept sands.

她走进书房,端坐在椅子上,盯着被风吹过的后院。She walked into the den and, sitting in a straight-back chair, stared into her windswept backyard.

海风日夜吹袭孤独的海岸,连绵险峻的悬崖峭壁,极目远眺大西洋。Desolate stretches of windswept coastline lead up to rugged cliffs that overlook the Atlantic Ocean.

钢质管道穿过强风的草原和无边无尽的覆盖于冻土之上的苔原。The steel pipe crosses windswept plainsendless miles of delicate tundra that tops the frozen ground.

你瞧那里,在一片风尘滚滚的平原上,一个身穿长袍的小木人,摇摇晃晃地立在一根短柱上。There, on a dusty windswept plain, a small wooden statue of a man in robes teeters upon a short pole.

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莫高雷是牛头人旧时的家园,牛头人居住在迎风的台地上,漫步在草木茂盛的山谷间。Mulgore is the ancient homeland of the tauren, who live on the windswept mesas and roam the grassy valleys.

没有这种倾听,我们的灵性生活终究会屈从于我们情绪的波动。Without this listening our spiritual life eventually becomes subject to the windswept waves of our emotions.

少量贯穿深峡谷和高处暴露在风中的台地的,是拱形沙岩,峰林,穹地,和鳍形岩。Sprinkled through its deep canyons and high windswept mesas are sandstone arches, hoodoos, pinnacles , domes, and fins.

这典雅的酒表现出生长在卡尼罗地区山上的葡萄的特性。The wine expresses the vibrant fruit character of grapes grown in the cool, windswept hills of the Los Carneros region.

九座山峰占据了斯诺登尼亚国家公园一半的面积,这里到处都是让人心惊肉跳的锯齿形峰顶、峡谷和狂风呼啸的高地。Nine mountain ranges cover fully half of Snowdonia with a breathtaking array of jagged peaks, gorges, and windswept uplands.

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在两个国家的边境,正当风口,一头狮子在干涸的诺索布河床巡视,这里是大猎物保护区中心。On the windswept frontier between two nations, a lion patrols the dry Nossob riverbed, center of a vast refuge for big game.

在外赫布里底群岛里被海风吹拂的刘易斯岛的西部海岸为锯齿状的岩石峭壁和席卷的大西洋海浪所左右。The western shore of the windswept Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides is dominated by jagged, rocky cliffs and roiling Atlantic waves.

圣伊内斯山平行的太平洋海岸线,长长伸展的崎岖悬崖,风化的沙滩,有时寂寞的美丽。The Santa Ynez Mountains parallel the Pacific Ocean coastline, a long stretch of rugged cliffs, windswept beaches, and sometimes lonesome beauty.