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请给我螺丝起子。Please hand me the screwdriver.

你所需要的只是一把螺丝刀。And all you need is a screwdriver.

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他非常善于使用改锥。He's very handy with a screwdriver.

这枚硬币可以充当螺丝起子用。This coin may act as a screwdriver.

这把改锥已经磁化了。This screwdriver has been magnetized.

他用螺丝刀戳她的脸颊。He gouged her cheek with a screwdriver.

他用螺丝起子把箱子撬开了。He pried the box open with a screwdriver.

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请不要把那把刀当锥子来用。Please don't use that knife as a screwdriver.

请你去给我拿把改锥来,好吗?Will you go and fetch me a screwdriver , please ?

我必要那只改锥旋松这些螺丝。I'll need that screwdriver to loosen these screws.

另附有十字型,一字型起子头各一支。Cross-followed, each one a head-shaped screwdriver.

它是在螺丝刀刀杆上设置一个夹持器。A clamper is arranged on a tool bar of a screwdriver.

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你找的是螺丝起子或大铁锤?Are you looking for a screwdriver or a sledgehammer ?

你需要用的工具只是改锥和锤子。A screwdriver and a hammer are the only tools you need.

喂,握住这把改锥,我用榔头试试。Here, cop hold of the screwdriver while I try the hammer.

喂,握住这把改锥,我用头试试。Here , cop hold of the screwdriver while i try the hammer.

一种带夹持器的螺丝刀。The utility model relates to a screwdriver with a clamper.

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我坐在那儿看电视,用螺丝起子掏耳朵。There I was, watching TV, cleaning my ear with a screwdriver.

叔叔把螺丝钉一个个拧进木头里,把铅块固定好。Mr. Yu used a screwdriver to twist each of the nails into place.

一个小螺丝刀或类似的工具是需要调整机。A small screwdriver or similar tool is required to adjust trimmers.