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他没有回敬你他跟你讲道理…He didn't try to retaliate. He moralized.

此外,中国势必要进行报复。Moreover, China would be bound to retaliate.

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海盗发誓要为死去的兄弟报仇。The pirates vowed to retaliate for the deaths.

如果你对我无礼,那我就以同样的无礼予以回敬。If you are rude me, I shall retaliate with equal rudeness.

他寻求每一个机会向迫害他的人们复仇。He sought every opportunity to retaliate on his persecutors.

如果你对我无礼,我就以同样的无礼予以回敬。If you are rude to me, I shall retaliate with equal rudeness.

温赖特会不会在银行内部寻衅报复呢?Would wainwright find some way to retaliate within the bank ?

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最近的爆炸案发生过后,反恐部队可能会以牙还牙,实施反击。After recent bombings, counter-terrorist forces could retaliate in kind.

当你被人陷害时,不要报复,而是交托给主。When you are being maligned falsely, don't retaliate. Leave it with Him.

但要记住,这些国家也可通过符合世贸组织规则的方式实施报复。But remember that these nations can also retaliate in WTO-consistent ways.

如果我们提高他们的货物的进口税,他们可能要对我们进行报复。If we raise our import duties on their goods,they may retaliate against us.

你不该因为一个诚实的警官打破了你们所谓的“蓝线”而报复他。Don't retaliate against honest officers for breaking your socalled blue line.

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作为报复,我猜中国会在南海设立防空识别区。But I expect the PRC will retaliate by imposing an ADIZ over the South China Sea.

要是人们不听我们的忠告、非要激怒它的话,它可能会报复的。But if people don't heed to our advice and harass the tusker, then it can retaliate.

贸易起诉中所要求的过高的关税也会招致中国的报复。The steep tariffs sought in the trade complaint could also cause China to retaliate.

用自己一辈子的幸福和青春来报复上一段爱情,实在不划算。多么痛恨一个男人,我也不会向他报复。It's really no your profit to retaliate a romance with your cradle-to-grave happiness.

俄罗斯已经通过驱逐不列颠外交官找到了报复带来的平衡。Russia is already poised to retaliate with tit-for-tat expulsions of British diplomats.

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该组织发誓,“在适当的时间和地点,对犹太复国主义罪行实施报复行动。”The group vowed to "retaliate for this Zionist crime at the appropriate time and place."

外交部发言人姜瑜没有表示北京政府是否会寻求报复。Jiang, the Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, would not say if Beijing will seek to retaliate.

任何组织和个人不得压制、打击报复、迫害信访人。No organization or individual shall suppress, retaliate against or persecute a complainant.