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上海市伫中国的地理位置。An SVG map of China with Shanghai municipality highlighted.

宝沙是魁北克种族最多样化的直辖市。Brossard is the most ethnically diverse municipality in Quebec.

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邵阳市是一个重要的森林带在湖南省。Shaoyang municipality is a major forest zone in Hunan Province.

矿产资源邵阳物产丰富。Mineral resources Shaoyang municipality abounds in natural resources.

工业是佛山市直经济发展的主体。Industry is the key to the economic development of Foshan municipality.

现任辽宁省葫芦岛市委副书记、代市长。In March 2011, Vice Secretary of Huludao Municipality , Liaoning Province.

当日全食食甚来临,重庆市的天空被一片黑暗笼罩。A total solar eclipse darkens the skies in Chongqing municipality in China.

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这副地域卫星航拍图,将整个大庆市域呈现在您面前。And this regional satellite aerial map presents the whole Daqing municipality.

这是一个奇迹宝宝想,”巴希尔说杰马耶勒,一对Fatri官方直辖市。It's a miracle, " said Bashir Gemayel, an official of the Fatri municipality."

自治区除国家法律授给的权力以外没有任何权力。A municipality has no power save those conferred upon it by the laws of the state.

从2008年至今,他担任南宁市委常委、副书记,副市长,市长。He became the Deputy Party Secretary and the Mayor of Nanning Municipality in 2008.

福州市发展休闲渔业有着较为成熟的现实基础。Fuzhou municipality holds a potential for the development of the recreation fishing.

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它是一个拥有2千8百万人口的直辖市,有中央政府直接管理。It is the centre of a municipality of 28m people, run directly by the central government.

目前,世行正在与里约热内卢市政府共同筹备一个政策项目,支持儿童早期开发政策改革。A policy program with Rio municipality is under preparation to support ECD policy reforms.

河水水族馆位于德莫拉,阿连特茹地区北部的一个小城市。The River Aquarium is located in Mora, a small municipality in the Northern Alentejo region.

据当地媒体报道,迪拜市政巡逻员逮捕了几十个乞讨者,此人只是其中之一。The beggar was among dozens arrested by Dubai Municipality inspectors, local media reported.

在莱州市滨海地区的计算表明,该方法是可行的。The method is indicated workable by applying to the littoral region of Laizhou municipality.

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北仑区域是浙江省和宁波市开发建设的重点地区。Beilun Area is one of the key development areas in Ningbo Municipality and Zhejinag Province.

浙江金华市孝顺镇是金东区的行政大镇,有着悠久的历史文明。With a long history, Xiaoshun is an important town in Jinhua Municipality , Zhejiang Province.

参加这次会议的单位和代表来自北方13个省、市、自治区。The unit that attends this meeting and delegate are northerly 13 provinces, city, municipality.