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我被美丽的海景迷住了。I was struck by the beauty of the seascape.

海上扬波,又是一幅波涛汹涌的海景。The rolling sea is another seascape of surging waves.

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海景云可以在营造氛围和对比度。Clouds in a seascape can create atmosphere and contrast.

凭窗远眺,270O无敌海景尽情收纳。Overlooking by the window, enjoy270O seascape as much as you like.

底纹在海景画的水会增加深度和维度。Shading the water in a seascape painting will add depth and dimension.

Volpe成了城市中的一名艺术警察,屁股上挂着枪的海景画家。Volpe became the city's art cop, a seascape painter with a gun on his hip.

在海景画树可以做的目的是调色刀代替毛笔。Painting trees in a seascape can be done with a palette knife instead of a brush.

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我们楼顶有海景吧,可以欣赏美丽的三亚湾海上落日。Ther are seascape bar on our roof, you could enjoy the sunset on sea with a beer.

太美了。我上次去那儿玩的时候,怎么没发现有这么美的海景。It's amazing. Why didn't I notice such a beautiful seascape the last time I was here?

独有全海景主卧洗手间,张扬个性生活空间。Unique seascape toilet attaching to the main bedroom elucidates individual life space.

玩了一天我们现在去往海景度假酒店休息吧,感受那里的独特魅力。Plays one day of us now to go toward the seascape resort hotel rest, felt there unique charm.

我要不就是买这幅玉山的绝美油画,要不就是这幅垦丁的海景画。I'll either buy this fabulous oil painting of Jade Mountain or this seascape painting of Kenting.

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你可以保证为你的来宾提供洁净的床单,美丽的海景以及丰盛的早餐。You can make sure the guest that is you offers clean sheet, beautiful seascape and big breakfast.

维萨亚群岛就象洒落在吕宋岛和棉兰老岛之间的翡翠和蓝宝石。THE VISAYAS are emerald and sapphire jewels dotting the land and seascape between Luzon and Mindanao.

我们下车来到游客中心门口,一眼就看到了美丽的海景。We got off the bus and came to the Visitor Center, and the first glance was nothing but the beautiful seascape.

由巴塞罗那OAB建筑事务所设计,这个城市海滨景观设计沿着贝尼多姆海滩,位于西班牙。Designed by Office of Architecture in Barcelona, this urban landscape snakes along the Benidorm seascape in Spain.

在酒店依窗而望,海景、山景一览无余,令您心旷神怡。Lean on your guestroom windows, seascape and mountain views can be fully captures to offer you a very refreshing feeling.

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这类纠纷可以让北京在国内激起民族主义情绪,但对中国海军战略家来说,这幅海景大体还是非常严峻的。Such disputes allow Beijing to stoke nationalism at home, but for Chinese naval strategists, this seascape is mostly grim.

在由海浪、天空和岩石构成的海景边缘,森林的线条沿着海岸起伏,被勾勒得鲜明清晰。Up and down the coast the line of the forest is drawn sharp and clean on the edge of a seascape of surf and sky and rocks.

沿途有着壮观的海景及广袤的内陆腹地,总揽了悉尼以北最美丽的景点。Along with the spectacular seascape and vast inland hinterland and monopolizes the north of Sydney's most beautiful scenic spots.