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潮湿的日子里,食物很容易发霉。Foods are easily to be mouldy in humid days.

她把发霉的土豆扔进垃圾箱。She chucked the mouldy potatoes in the litterbin.

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这种情况发生时我们说那面包“发霉”了。When this happens, we say that bread "has gone mouldy".

市内博物馆中塞满老旧乏味的收藏品。The city's museums are filled with mouldy old collections.

那么,你只能把你那干掉的半块柠檬扔掉了……Perhaps you should just throw that mouldy lemon out after all.

回来后他注意到其中一个已经长了霉。On returning, he noticed that one of the dishes had gone mouldy.

为了打发多的发霉的时光,我学会了上网。In order to send more mouldy time, I learned to surf the Internet.

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结果①实验组尸体无腐败、霉变、固缩或膨胀。Results The cadavers didn't appear putrescent , mouldy or inflated.

但是他也发现,他的新娘子见了这座又霉又旧的老宅有些情绪低落。But he found that the mouldy old habitation somewhat depressed his bride.

把胎膜发霉的肺脏以及气管剁碎,搅和在一起来冒充。Cauls mouldy tripes windpipes faked and minced up . puzzle find the meat.

一一条面包将增长霉变更快捷,没有防腐剂。A loaf of bread would grow mouldy much more quickly without preservatives.

他把马拉到长满蓟的野地里,只给它一点儿发霉的干草吃。He put the Horse out in a field full of thistles and gave it only a little mouldy hay to eat.

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掉在过滤器里的残渣也不用清理掉,它会被切碎。No need to clean the filter of all the mouldy food that gets caught in it- it all gets minced.

科学家已经研究到一种“星球大战”式的等离子束能够阻止水果发霉腐烂。A 'Star Wars' style plasma beam which can stop fruit going mouldy has been created by scientists.

门半掩着,在发霉的石灰浆和陈年的蜘蛛网的臭气中,解下了背带。Leaving the door ajar , amid the stench of mouldy limewash and stale cobwebs he undid his braces.

来自佛罗里达的黛安·德伊瑟说,这块三明治是她10年前做的,10年来它从未发霉变质。Diane Duyser, from Florida, says the sandwich has never gone mouldy since she made it 10 years ago.

几个战士在抽屉中找到了一些几乎发霉的面包皮,贪婪地吃着。Some combatants, having discovered a few crusts of rather mouldy bread, in a drawer, were eagerly devouring them.

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本文重点讨论了霉变甘蔗中毒的病因,临床特点、防治措施及予后。This article discusses the cause, clinical features, preventive measures and prognosis of mouldy sugarcane poisoning.

在研究食物霉变与亚硝胺的形成时,发现了一种新的亚硝胺。The study on the formation of nitrosamine in the mouldy diet containing nitrite led to the discovery of a new compound.

打开你那扇紧闭的窗扉,让阳光赶走那已发霉的空气,让清新的气息渗入,让我来倾听你内心深处的呼唤!Open the closed window in your heart. Let the sunshine drives away the mouldy air of it. Let the clean air to enter your heart.