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我想我的脑额叶受到损害了。I think I damaged my frontal lobe.

迈克想在耳垂上穿个孔。Mike wants to get his lobe lanced.

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左叶长3英寸。The left lobe is 3 inches in length.

它有一个大的突起和一个小的突起。It's got a big lobe and a little lobe.

埃利奥特前额叶上有肿瘤。And Elliot had a tumor in his frontal lobe.

这称为叶。And these are called lobes. This is a lobe.

癫痫发作类型以额叶癫痫最常见。The type of frontal lobe epilepsy was often viewed.

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狗的嗅叶约为人类的4倍大。It’s olfactory lobe is also 4 times that of a human.

最大的旁瓣峰值衰减速度D。Maximum attenuating speed D of side lobe peak value.

枕叶梗死是值得重视的另一个原因。Occipital lobe infarction is another important cause.

好吧,颞叶是听觉产生的地方Well, the temporal lobe is where your hearing occurs.

是的,颞叶处理你所听到的一切Yes, the temporal lobe is where your hearing goes on.

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外分泌由前列腺细胞分泌入小叶。分泌。Exocrine is the prostate cell secrete into little lobe.

中叶肺不张主要有炎症引起。The atelectasis of median lobe mainly due to inflamtion.

脑电图检查颞叶呈异常电活动。EEG showed abnormal electrical activity on temporal lobe.

这一点,对于那些患有颞叶癫痫病的人来说也很普遍。It's also common among people with temporal lobe epilepsy.

转子泵的转子叶数可能是两叶或三叶。Number of lobe of rotor in rotating pump may be two or three.

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内侧颞叶对概念隐形记忆的支持作用.The Medial Temporal Lobe Supports Conceptual Implicit Memory.

而右上叶肺不张、左上叶肺不张、右下叶肺不张以肿瘤多见。Neoplasm is the principle cause of whole left lobe atelectasis.

避免额叶及间脑受损问题。However, avoiding trauma of frontal lobe and thalamus was noted.