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看见过蚂蚱吧?Ever seen a grasshopper ?

不要做蚂蚱,做蚂蚁。Don’t be a grasshopper. Be an ant.

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它们仍然会向草蜢扑过去。They still go up to the grasshopper.

今天一只蚂蚱跳进了车里。Today, a grasshopper jumped into my car.

你试一只蚱蜢我就吃一只蜜蜂。I'll have a bee if you try a grasshopper.

那你想吃点啥呢,蚂蚱?What would you have forsooth, grasshopper?

那个只及蚱蜢膝盖高的男孩?The boy who was knee-high to a grasshopper?

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欢笑的蝈蝈儿不会在热闹里打瞌睡。And eh grasshopper laughs in the merry scene.

如何利用树叶编织制作栩栩如生的草蜢。How to make a lively grasshopper with leaves.

附近的地里那里住着一位草蜢。In the field nearby there lived a grasshopper.

蚱蜢找不到任何吃的东西。The grasshopper could not find anything to eat.

蚱蜢窝的土地价格最终见顶。Land prices finally peak in the grasshopper colonies.

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蝗虫和蚂蚁,从拉方丹的寓言。The Grasshopper and the Ant, from LaFontaine's fable.

草蜢是今天唯一发现的“异种”。Grasshopper is the only "different species" I found today.

我很小的时候见过他以后就一直没有再见到他了。I haven't seen him since I was knee-high to a grasshopper.

亚洲蚂蚁积累了大量的蚱蜢窝债权,感觉很富有。Asian ants build up piles of grasshopper debt and feel rich.

蚱蜢嘲笑着那只小蚂蚁,还是我行我素。The grasshopper laughed at the little ant and went on his way.

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查尔斯在很小的时候就开始读书了。Charles started reading when he was knee-high to a grasshopper.

查尔斯在很小的时候就开始读书了。Charles started reading when hi was knee-high to a grasshopper.

他学跳新舞步时像个痉挛的草蜢。He looked like a grasshopper in a fit when he did the new step.