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这是个令人毛骨悚然的地方。It is a hellish place.

到那时,世界会成为地狱吗?Will the world be hellish then?

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近来的天气真叫人够受了!The weather's been hellish recently.

而法国一般不被视为地狱般的地方。Franceis not usually considered a hellish place.

地狱般的过敏不分地位高低。Hellish histamines respect no barriers of status.

这个笼子是那地狱般放射物的源头。This cage was the source ofthe hellish emanations.

笼子正是那发自地狱般的吼叫声的来源。This cage was the source of the hellish emanations.

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亮度、比度、级和其他艰巨的任务。Brightness, Contrast, Levels and other hellish tasks.

嗨,生活有时糟糕透顶,有时百无聊赖——又或许兼而有之。Hey, life is sometimes just hellish or boring—or both.

四十亿年前的地球如同地狱一般。Four billion years ago was a hellish time on planet Earth.

即便远在中国,也能听到地狱的轰鸣咆吼。The hellish roar would have been heard as far away as China.

嘈杂的声音震耳欲聋,如从地狱发出一般令人胆战心惊。The noise was as hellish and frightening as it was deafening.

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想从地狱里逃脱让这件事情更加罪恶,这就形成了一个恶性循环。As a vicious cycle, craving to exit from hell makes it more hellish.

经历了这次失败,我知道科比又会在夏天展开地狱般的训练。Experienced a failure, I know Bryant will hellish training in the summer.

上下班可以不像以往那样成为地狱般的体验。Commuting doesn’t have to be the hellish experience it has been made out to be.

然而敌人却由于我的宿业引发而造罪,以致堕落地狱,长久受苦。But in dependence upon me they will fall into hellish pain for a very long time.

在地狱般的条件下,探险家们发现了神秘奇异的生命环境。In hellish conditions, explorers find biological mysteries, "alien" environments.

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他没有死,但他的生活,一度如此光辉灿烂,前程似锦,却变得如地狱般可怕。He didn't die, but his life , once so full of brightness and promise, became hellish.

第二周也是很难受,也很艰难,但是不如第一周那么折磨人。Second week is Heck Week, and is still difficult, but not nearly as hellish as the first.

造成如今一片血海尸山的地狱场景,令人作呕。Result in ever since the hellish scene of the one sea of blood corpse mountain, sickening.