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我们希望目前的电脑化系统,我们有手册。We want to computerize the current manual system we have.

我们公司已决定用电子计算机控制工资部门。Our company has decided to computerize its wages department.

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本公司得依法令规定蒐集、电脑处理及运用个人基本资料。THSRC may collect, computerize and use personal data based on laws.

在职训练是在电脑化设备前训练职工。With on the job training the workers train on the new computerize machines.

目的建立医院制剂电脑化管理系统。OBJECTIVE To build up computerize management system of hospital preparation.

非常感谢能在百忙之中阅读我的来件!Very grateful to be in his busy schedule to read my computerize its control!

五年前他们作出的使公司电脑化的决定现在正产生出效益。Their decision five years ago to computerize the company is now paying dividends.

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我正试着编一个电子制表软件,以把目前所有靠人力完成的工作交由计算机完成。I'm trying to make a spreadsheet up to computerize everything that's done by hand at the moment.

本文介绍了工业企业财务会计电算化系统的具体实现。System implementation is introduced to computerize accountancy and finance in industry and business.

该系统有助于实现机车乘务员考核管理自动化和微机化。The system is helpful to automatize and computerize the assessment and management of locomotive attendants.

拥有先进的CNC电脑弹簧成型机40多台。同时引进了日本高精度生产辅助设备。We also have more than 40 CNC computerize springs and import high precision assistant equipment from Japan.

对金属内部磁场测量仪的智能化作了实验研究。Experimental research work is conducted to computerize the instrument of internal magnetic field measurement of metal.

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建立公司的财务制度与程序手册,公司管理的酒店和城市客栈应遵照执行。Ensures the effective and fail-safe management of all computerized financial activities. Establishes secure entrance procedures for computerize systems.

分析讨论了智能膜盒特性自动测试系统的工作原理和主要性能参数。The operation principle, main performance parameters of the computerize automatic measurement system for bellows characteristic are analysed and discussed.

它广泛应用于把书籍和文件转换为电子文档,电脑化办办公室记录保持保存系统,或是在网络商出版文章。It is widely used to convert books and documents into electronic files, to computerize a record-keeping system in an office, or to publish the text on a website.

其他措施包括州和地方法律执行官员的费用和健康记录电脑化的资金,这也是即将上任的总统所关注的。Other items in the measure include funds for state and local law-enforcement officials and money to computerize health records, a key priority of the incoming president.

介绍电脑化资讯系统、资料收集分析技术、系统分析、决策制订与分析、资料管理系统、专家系统等。This course mainly discusses about computerize information system, data collecting and analysis, system analysis, decision making, information management system, expert system etc.

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测试中结合数据采集仪的使用开发了水源热泵机组计算机自动监测软件,简化了测试过程中数据采集和整理的过程,也提高了数据的精确性。Integrated with the HP data accumulator, a computerize auto-monitoring software was compiled to not only predigest the gather and dispose of test data but also enhance data's precision.

为了降低医疗保险成本,减少医疗错误,改进医疗保险,我们会在五年内将全国的医疗纪录全部利用电脑程序来管理,这样,在节约几十亿美元的医疗保险成本的同时,还能救助无数的生命。To lower health care cost, cut medical errors, and improve care, we’ll computerize the nation’s health record in five years, saving billions of dollars in health care costs and countless lives.

用计算机实现对零担危险货物配装工作的管理,可在保证危险货物安全运输的基础上,提高工作效率。This paper expounds how to computerize the management of package freights and selecting freights for the loading of hazardous goods so as to raise efficiency on the basis of safe transportation.