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德雷珀家。The Draper home.

男人的名字叫德雷珀。His name was Draper.

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德雷珀是杰西的女儿添德雷珀?Is Jesse Draper the daughter of Tim Draper?

他父亲把他送去跟亚麻织品零售商当学徒。His father apprenticed him to a linen draper.

本文将为你带来保罗·德雷柏传奇的一生。This article will show you the story of Paul Draper.

虽然新的办公室距离美国广告业中心麦迪逊大道有一点距离,但德雷伯仍然是个广告人。Despite his short distance from Madison Avenue, Draper remains an ad man.

当天,在马里兰州一个自助洗衣店发现了格雷和德雷帕。That day, both Gray and Draper were discovered at a laundromat in Maryland.

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2006年,毕业于加州大学洛杉矶分校的德雷珀学院戏剧,电影,和电视。In 2006, Draper graduated from UCLA School of Theater, Film, and Television.

前宇宙戴夫德雷珀先生给你他的秘诀在这个简单的文章。Former Mr. Universe Dave Draper gives you his top tips in this simple article.

在这个过程中不会显示是哪个朋友向自杀防止热线报了警。It will not indicate which friend alerted the Suicide Prevention Line. Draper says the U.

德雷珀还表示,清理队的活动已经比油污本身的危害更大。"The responders' activities have been more threatening to shorebirds than the oil itself, " Draper said.

审查在立即进行,要求博莱蒂耶和劳埃德的免职之声,一浪高过一浪。The inquest started immediately, with widespread calls for Draper and Lloyd to be removed from their posts.

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在抽屉里腾出一些空间,把备用的礼服衬衫放在里面。这招比你想象的更为实用。Go Don Draper on your drawer space and stock some extra dress shirts in them. It's more practical than you may think.

在书里,德雷伯把中世纪刻划为信仰的时代,当时每个人都认为地球是平坦的。In it, Draper characterised the Middle Ages as an era of faith, a time when everyone thought that the Earth was flat.

因为没有汽油,汽车行全改了吃食店,没有一家绸缎铺或药房不兼卖糕饼。There was no petrol. Garages were converted into eateries and there wasn't a draper or herbalist who wasn't selling cakes on the side.

“对世界的这一部份进行报道是一项重大的任务”德瑞珀说,“但是我承认整个月我的心都提到了嗓子眼。”“ Covering this part ofthe world is a crucial undertaking, ” Draper says.” But I confess I spent theentire month with my heart in my throat.”

佛罗里达奥特朋的德雷珀已经开始在全州招募志愿者作为鸟巢管理员,以保证附近有清理队的鸟巢安全。Florida Audubon's Draper has begun recruiting volunteers in the state to act as "nesting-bird stewards, " keeping nests safe from nearby cleaning crews.

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百度的海外投资人开始分裂,德丰杰全球创业投资基金的美国伙伴积极游说出售给谷歌。Baidu's board of directors was split, with the U.S. partners of ePlanet's affiliate, Draper Fisher Jurvetson, aggressively lobbying for the sale to Google.

“李彦宏拿了美国最好的东西并且加进了中国的特色”,美国风险资本家蒂姆德雷珀这样总结道。"Robin took the best of everything that was happening in the U.S. at the time and added Chinese characteristics, " says U.S. venture capitalist Tim Draper.

达米安。麦克布莱德承认了用自己唐宁街的帐号发送了一些“无知的和不适宜的”邮件给工党派人士德里克德雷珀博士,并于随后辞职。Damian McBride resigned after admitting sending "juvenile and inappropriate" e-mails from his Downing Street account to the former Labour spin doctor Derek Draper.