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其继任者拉玛七世境遇则更糟。His successor, Prajadhipok, Rama VII, fared worse.

它是拉玛五世王在1876年开始建造的。It is Wang Rama V in 1876 started the construction.

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印度教教徒在唱圣歌赞美罗摩神。Hindus were singing hymns in praise of the god Rama.

这是在178页,从Sri,Rama,Krishna开始。So this is the bottom of 178. This is from Sri Rama Krishna.

沙没颂堪是罗摩国王二世出生的地方,也是罗摩国王二世几年公园。Samut Songkhram is the birth place of King Rama II where is now King Rama II Memorial Park.

噢,撒拉,真想念你的故事。为什么不跟讲讲拉玛和小公主都发生了什么?Oh, Sara, I miss your stories so much. Won't you tell us what happened to Rama and the princess?

毗瑟奴有各种不同的化身,追随者最多的两个化身是罗摩和克里希纳。Of Vishnu's various Incarnations the two with the largest number of followers are Rama and Krishna.

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罗摩的七个伟大首府城市,在古典印度文献就被认为是“七个圣哲城市”。The seven greatest capital cities of Rama were known in classical Hindu texts as "The Seven Rishi Cities."

律实宫里有拉玛一世王时代制造的御座和御床,被列为拉玛王朝第一流的艺术品。Miyazato is a law-era Rama I made chair and Mitoko, Rama dynasty was classified as a first-rate works of art.

其他虚假神包括Sananda,Shiva和Rama,则并没有生物提升的所有信息。The other false gods including Sananda, Shiva and Rama had not all of the information on biological ascension.

大约在1864年,有一位叫杰塔达里的毗瑟奴派云游僧来到达克希什瓦,心目中的理想神是罗摩。About the year 1864 there came to Dakshineswar a wandering Vaishnava monk, Jatadhari, whose Ideal Deity was Rama.

当拉玛苏醒过来的时候,他疯狂地赶到妖魔的宫殿去拯救希达。这时候拉瓦纳突然出现了!After Rama came back to life, he raced on towards the monster's palace to rescue Sita. Suddenly, Ravana appeared!

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本文以中国藏传佛教仪式舞蹈“金刚驱魔神舞”和韩国佛教仪式舞蹈“作法舞”为研究对象。The main subject of this thesis is Chinese Rama religion dance, "VCham, " and Korean Buddha religion dance, "Zuo-fa-wu.

浅野下了桥,坐在一条通向一座青铜像的台阶上,上面已有斑斑裂痕,那是缀满鲜花的罗摩一世的雕像。Asano has just climbed down from that bridge and is sitting on cracked steps leading up to a bronze, flower-laden statue of King Rama I.

罗摩六世夏天就居住在此。观光完后我们就去领略具有异国风情的动物园和美丽的火车站。King Rama 6 had this summer residence build. After sight seeing here we move on to an exotic animal garden and the beautiful railway station of the town.

马诺基教练曾在印度多家著名的瑜伽学院接受培训。他毕业于位于瑜伽圣地瑞诗凯诗的喜马拉雅国际瑜伽科学和哲学学院。Manoj has received training and guidance from prestigious yoga institutions in India. He graduated from Swami Rama Institute of Meditation and Interfaith studies, Rishikesh.

西孟加拉邦的村民本周共同筹资,以便让罗摩与息妲成婚,这两只青蛙是以印度罗摩耶那史诗中最受崇敬的神话眷侣为名。Villagers in West Bengal state pooled their money together this week to marry Rama and Sita, two frogs named after India's most revered mythological couple from the epic Ramayana.

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阿索卡也意识到毁灭性的战争会运用这样的先进工具,其他的“未来派战争”已经在数千年前毁灭了古代印度的“罗摩王国”。Ashoka was also aware of devastating wars using such advanced vehicles and other "futuristic weapons" that had destroyed the ancient Indian "Rama Empire" several thousand years before.

印度教组织一直声称,该清真寺位于拉马神诞生之地,而且之前早已经有印度教神庙,只是在穆斯林入侵的16世纪被拆毁。Hindu groups say the mosque stood on the birthplace of their god-king Rama and was built only after the destruction of a longstanding Hindu temple by Muslim invaders in the 16th century.

曼谷始建于1782年,曼谷王朝开国君主拉玛一世登基后,经历代不断扩建,终于建成规模宏大的大皇宫建筑群,现仅用于举行加冕典礼、宫廷庆祝等仪式,而这座城市的建筑风格都给游客倍感震撼。Built in 1782, these complex buildings were once home to the Thai King Rama V and are now used for grand ceremonial purposes. Its magnificent architecture never fails to leave visitors in awe.