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真空管振荡器?。VTO? Vacuum Tube Oscillator?

音频振荡器?。VFO? Voice Frequency Oscillator?

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电压敏感型振荡器?。VSO? Voltage Sensitive Oscillator?

电压控制的晶体振荡器?。VCXO? Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator?

研究了一个ENSO海-气时滞振子模型。A delayed oscillator of ENSO model is considered.

它跑与它自己的高性能振荡器。It runs with its own high performance oscillator.

证明谐振子的任何状态都是薛定谔相干态。It is shown any states of harmonic oscillator are SCS.

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压控振荡器实际上是怎么工作的呢?How does a voltage-controlled oscillator actually work?

作者提出了一种结构简单的电流控制振荡器电路。A current-controlled oscillator is presented in this thesis.

对谐振子来说,能级是等间隔的。For a harmonic oscillator the energy levels are evenly spaced.

如果我只使用一个主振荡器,他们都将是花样!If I use only one main oscillator they will all be synchronised!

计算了相关态的振子强度和辐射跃迁率。The oscillator strength and radiation rates are also calculated.

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本文讨论的另一个系统是一个电子张弛电路。Another system investigated is an electronic relaxation oscillator.

位于垂直振荡器�入端的一种阻容�路。A resistor□condenser circuit at the input to the vertical oscillator.

双质点弦振子有模态局部化现象。The double particle string oscillator has mode localization phenomena.

研究了一个海-气振子的非线性耦合系统的模型。A sea-air oscillator model of the nonlinear coupling system is studied.

梁教授的团队正在使用一种“混沌振荡器”来产生他们的信号。Leung's team are using a "chaotic oscillator" to generate their signal.

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问题出在振荡线圈和晶体管之间。Problems arose between oscillator coils and the transistors themselves.

我们可以按数值方法计算简谐振子的位置。We can work out positions of a harmonic oscillator by numerical methods.

提出了一种用于单片开关电源的新型电流控制模式弛张振荡器。A novel current-control-mode relaxation oscillator for SPIC is presented.