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那谁给你做饭阿?。So who cooked for you?

他吃被煮的肉。He ate the cooked meat.

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火煮肉。The fire cooked the meat.

鱼做的火候够吗?。Is the fish cooked enough?

这条鱼煮得够熟了吗?。Is the fish cooked enough ?

她为我们做了一顿家常饭。She cooked us a homely meal.

她为我们煮菜汤。She cooked us vegetable soup.

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牛肉煮得不够熟。The beef is not cooked enough.

这顿饭煮得半生不熟。This meal is only half cooked.

他也许做了假账。He might have cooked the books.

你给我们煮的这顿饭真香。You cooked us a wonderful meal.

我想妈妈刚刚煮了鱼。A. I think Mom just cooked fish.

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我则煮咖哩鸡和饭。I cooked chicken curry and rice.

她匆忙捏造了一个借口。She hastily cooked up an excuse.

我们就煮了我的儿子吃了。So we cooked my son and ate him.

鸡蛋打散,炒熟。Beat eggs, stir-fry until cooked.

他们生吃或者把幼虫烤成灰吃。Eaten raw or cooked in hot ashes.

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削皮待用的土豆。Potatoes can't wait to be cooked.

你知道谁最先烧煮食物吗?Do you know who cooked food first?

那几顿饭你做的很好。You cooked all those lovely meals.