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患者有什么症状,医治的一些方法,?Excuse me neurasthenic patient has what symptom, a few methods of cure, ?

五味子酒对人体具有保健作用,不仅可改善睡眠,还具有保肝益肝作用。The wine has several functions, which can therapy neurasthenic and protect and benefit to liver.

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目的观察神经衰弱患者细胞免疫和体液免疫指标的变化。Objective To observe the change of Cyto immunity and humoral immunity in the neurasthenic patients.

血压升高时,病人常出现类似神经衰弱的症状,以及焦虑,忧郁等。When blood pressure is elevatory , the patient often appears similar neurasthenic symptom, and angst, melancholy.

神经衰弱治疗应以心理治疗为主,同时辅以药物、物理疗法。Neurasthenic cure should be given priority to with psychotherapy, at the same time complementary with medicaments, naturopathy.

不过无论是重度神经衰弱患者还是轻度神经衰弱患者都要以早治疗为原则。However, whether severe or mild in patients with neurasthenia neurasthenic patients with early treatment should be the principle.

长期反复吸入一定量的硫化氢可引起嗅觉减退,以及出现神经衰弱综合征和植物神经功能障碍。Repeatedly inhaling a certain amount of hydrogen sulfide for long term may cause hyposmia neurasthenic syndrome and autonomic dysfunction.

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治疗神经衰弱的药物、物理疗法有很多,临床使用中可根据病情选用其中的一二种。Treat neurasthenic medicaments, naturopathy to have a lot of, clinical among them just a little can be chosen to plant according to the illness in using.

提高免疫力,降血糖,抗氧化,抗肿瘤,消除放化疗副反应,安神,除胃热,护肝解毒。Enhance immunity, reduce blood sugar, anti-oxidization, anti-tumor, eliminate side effects after chemotherapy, cure neurasthenic , protect liver function.

神经衰弱进行体育锻炼治疗,一般以健身性锻炼项目和放松性锻炼项目为好。Neurasthenic undertake physical training is treated, take exercise with gymnastical sex commonly project and loosen a gender to exercise a project had better.

国内外均有研究表明长期接触噪声可导致工人的行为能力、心理状态发生改变,甚至引起暴露工人神经衰弱,导致抑郁症的发生。Such study shows that long term exposed to the noise could affect the workers' behavioral function, psychological state and cause them neurasthenic and depression.

这种患者常具有神经衰弱的全部症状,如失眠伴有头部不适、注意力不能集中、记忆力差、易疲劳、软弱无力等。This kind of patient often has neurasthenic all symptom, if insomnious companion has the head, unwell, attention cannot be centered, memory difference, easy exhaustion, jelly.

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因恐怖症、焦虑症、强迫症、神经衰弱以及抑郁症等心理疾病致人伤亡的案件,引起了人们对心理疾病的高度重视。The casualties caused by the mental disorders such as phobia, anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, neurasthenic and depression have aroused highly attention about the mental disorders.