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省略两旁扶手,更便于活动。Elliptically both sides armrest, more facilitating activity.

素描椭圆。问题三地球围绕太阳的椭圆与太阳作为一个重点。Problem 3 The Earth orbits the Sun elliptically with the Sun as one focus.

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所有其它波长的光将以椭圆偏振光或圆偏振光出射。All the other wavelengths will emerge as either elliptically or circularly polarized light.

如果肌肤出现紧绷感,则请省略热毛巾这个步骤。If skin appears to stretch tight closely, feel, heat up towel elliptically please this measure.

因此,线偏振光径全反射后将变成椭圆偏振光。Linearly polarized light will in consequence become elliptically polarized on total reflection.

假如不觉得紧绷,省略精华液、乳液、面霜也无妨。If do not feel close to stretch tight, elliptically elite fluid, latex, cream also just as well.

开普勒第一定律,也称椭圆定律,指出每一个行星沿椭圆轨道围绕太阳。The first law, sometimes called the law of orbits, states that planets orbit the sun elliptically.

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电场矢量的末端沿一椭圆移动的光叫椭圆偏振光。When the end of the electric field vector travels in an ellipse, the light is elliptically polarized.

讨论了协方差阵未知的椭球等高线性模型中的稳健性问题。Linear regression model with elliptically symmetric errors and unknown dispersion matrix was discussed.

但它确实使原本普通的东西布满了省略,也使室内的活动内容更加丰富。But it makes really originally common thing was full of elliptically , also make indoor mobile content more rich.

现在我们知道,地球绕太阳转的轨道是椭圆的而且其自转轴于轨道面是倾斜的。We now know that Earth orbits the sun elliptically and, at the same time, spins on an axis that is tilted relative to its plane of orbit.

麝香草的叶子是卷曲的、椭圆形状,且很小。大小仅有八分之一英寸长,十六分之一英寸宽。Thyme leaves are curled, elliptically shaped and very small, measuring about one-eighth of an inch long and one-sixteenth of an inch wide.

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本实用新型涉及实验与检测设备,特指一种椭圆偏振光分析装置。The utility model refers to an experimental and testing apparatus, in particular relates to an elliptically polarized light analysis device.

理论分析了四频差动激光陀螺中左、右旋椭圆偏振模式的非对称性。A theoretical study of the mode difference between the left and right elliptically polarized light in the differential laser gyro is presented.

星系团中心是个庞大的椭圆星系,应该是由大量小星系合并而成。At the center of this cluster is an enormous, elliptically shaped galaxy that is thought to have been formed from the mergers of many smaller galaxies.

运载火箭贮箱箱底多为椭球拼焊结构,实现自动焊接难度较大,因此过去常采用手工焊接。In general the tank dome of launch vehicle is elliptically constructed by splice-welding. It is difficult to perform automatic welding, so hand welding is usually used.

本文讨论了椭圆偏振光两种表示的关系式在偏振态变化问题中的应用。In this paper, the application of the relative formula of two denotations about elliptically polarized light in analysing the conversion of polarized state is discussed.

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通过对椭圆偏振光的定量分析,导出椭圆偏振光方程及椭圆主轴取向公式,阐明入射平面偏振光的光振动方向同出射椭圆偏振光主轴取向关。Pass to the elliptically polarized light's quantitative analysis, we can get the elliptically polarized light's equation and the principal axis of elliptically polarized light's formula.

采用这种结构可以直接产生椭圆形带状电子注,且阴极发射电流密度较为均匀。Elliptical sheet beams with uniform current density are generated by the new-style electron gun geometry which comprises of an elliptically cylindrical cathode and an elliptical focusing electrode.