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尽可能地保持冷静。Keep your coolness as much as possible.

他安静的笑了,吸入一口夜的凉意。He smiled, savoring the coolness of the evening.

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天黑以后,要是不到草地上去,就没有一丝凉气。There was no coolness after dark unless on the grass.

她因头脑冷静、敢作敢为而与众不同。She distinguished herself by her coolness and bravery.

不要被可爱或冷酷的外表迷惑了你的判断。Don't let your primary criteria be cuteness or coolness.


中秋已近,凉意渐浓,远方的你,可安好。The Mid-Autumn Festival is near, coolness comes, you may be safe.

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希望明媚的海滩,能够给大家带来一份夏日的清爽开怀!Wish the bright beach can bring everybody with coolness in summer!

潇潇的秋雨深重,瑟瑟的秋风中透着丝丝凉意。Drizzly rain heavy, rustling autumn wind appearing in the coolness.

我独爱着百合,她的淡雅她的清凉宽慰我心灵。Lily is my only love, whose coolness and elegance conciliate my soul.

他带着一种平静和冷静,不会目中无人但又很自信的方式谈吐。He speaks with a calm and coolness that is not defiant, but confident.

既然已是中秋,风自然是带有凉意的。Since it is Mid-Autumn, the wind is naturally with the coolness of the.

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竹类植物在温湿的环境中才能生根发芽。Bamboo plants need the sightly wet coolness of a forest in which to sprout.

她很可爱,作为埃瑞克·罗伯茨的孩子她有着冷静的一面。She's cute, and being a scion of Eric Roberts gives her some coolness cred.

或与家里的一盆盆栽植物或花卉可以给你带来些许凉意。Maybe a potted plant or flower at home can bring you a little bit of coolness.

可是冉阿让的冷静态度,使他不由自主地被争取过来了。But Jean Valjean's coolness prevailed over him in spite of himself. He grumbled

由于这个时代的冷暖,人们会怀念过去吗?Well, does one feel any nostalgia now for the coolness and heat of this moment?

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不觉,秋韵已掠过人心头,丝丝凉意露珠般滚落于心底。Unaware Qiuyun has swept the hearts and minds, dew-like coolness rolled in my heart.

一弯新月高高地挂在天空,在水面上投下淡淡的银光,增加了水上的凉意。A new moon cast pale silver beams on the surface of the lake, adding to its coolness.

尊贵、冰冷、不够友好是大部分参观者的感受。Elegance, coolness and unfriendliness is what most audience feel in such exhibitions.