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胸部的绣花和印图很好的体现了优点。AWS embroidery and print motif on the chest.

Krishnan提了几个增强AWS安全性的建议Krishnan also made a couple of suggestions on improving the AWS security

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很有必要设立一种策略去强制所有AWS帐号都使用强密码。It is important to develop a policy to enforce strong passwords in every AWS account.

美国焊接学会作为一证明人,它的独立性将带给其程序无可怀疑的公正性。The independence of AWS as a certifier brings unquestioned integrity to its programs.

当前AWS信任由服务器虚拟化层来提供安全和隔离。Right now AWS trusts the server virtualization tier to provide security and isolation.

大规模的断电让服务器以及云计算的存在受到了质疑。The massive outage raised questions about the reliability of AWS and the cloud itself.

基于AWS使用多可用性区域、DB错误恢复与负载均衡器搭建了一个网站。built a reliable website on AWS using multiple availability zones, DB failover, and load balancers.

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许多公司的高管可能都不一定知道业务部门在使用AWS和其他类似的服务。In many firms senior managers probably do not even know that business units are using AWS or similar services.

我在几个星期之内完成了该原型,在完成原型之后,我们就有信心去构建一个基于AWS和开源软件的解决方案了。After I completed it in a matter of weeks it gave us the confidence to build a solution based on AWS and open source software.

要比较不同公司云计算服务的价格非常困难,但这一市场的观察家们认为亚马逊是这种服务的几家最低成本供应商之一。Comparing cloud-computing prices is tricky, but observers of the market report that AWS is typically one of the lowest-cost providers.

在服务器营的销过程中,亚马逊吹捧它能让许多不同的数据中心连接在一起并且保障客户不会连接失败。In its AWS marketing pitch, Amazon touts the way it links together many different data centers to protect customers from isolated failures.

同时,结合建设成都市中小尺度加密自动气象站网的经验,提出了更加合理优化的资料收集应用模型。On the basis of the former experiences in the construction of the AWS network, a more rational data-collecting and application model is put forward.

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从工厂车间到高层建筑,从军事装备到家居产品,AWS继续带头支持焊接教育和科技发展。From factory floor to high-rise construction, from military weaponry to home products, AWS continues to lead the way in supporting welding education.

如果你有公共数据集并且有传播权,可以提交到AWS公共数据集网站。If you have a public data set and hold the rights to the distribution of it, you can submit a request on the AWS Public Hosted Data Sets site to have it included.

社交网站Facebook上推出它的时候太过火爆,三天内它就得把在AWS上购买的虚拟机数量从50个猛增到3500个。When it launched on Facebook, a social network, demand was such that it had to increase the number of its virtual machines on AWS from 50 to 3,500 within three days.

社交网站Facebook上推出它的时候太过火爆,三天内它就得把在AWS上购买的虚拟机数量从50个猛增到3500个。When it launched on Facebook, a social network, demand was such that it had to increase the number of its virtual machines on AWS from 50 to 3, 500 within three days.

亚马逊EC2的总经理彼得·德桑蒂斯说,“这些功能使得用户可以更好地控制他们的AWS资源,创造出性能更优、弹性更强、耗费更低的设计。”Together, these capabilities provide customers more control of their AWS resources and enable them to architect for even better performance, resilience and cost savings.

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选取山东有代表性的5个台站2005年9个月的自动站资料进行统计,得出其主要气象要素日极值在各时间点上的分布情况。On the basis of the 9-month observational data from five representative AWS in 2005, daily extremum distributions of main meteorological elements were obtained by the statistical method.

当前,API的1.5版本的测试版可以为他们支持的非AWS云平台提供服务——包括、Eucalyptus和Rackspace——但是该公司现在准备使用同样的API用于AWS部署。The beta API version 1.5 is currently serving the non-AWS clouds they support, Eucalyptus, and Rackspace-, but the company is currently preparing to use the same API for AWS deployments.

云计算的一个主要好处就是有机会使用新的方式来创建各种新应用,Vogels给出了几个公司利用AWS的例子。One of the main benefits of cloud computing is the opportunity to create all sorts of new applications using new scenarios, and Vogels presented several examples of companies taking advantage of AWS.