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帕米拉摆弄一下紧围在她细脖子上的珍珠项链。Pamela fingered the pearl choker around her thin throat.

配上水晶的项圈和戒指。I've added some statements like statement crystal choker and rings.

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性感缎面挂脖小礼服加带护士长标记的帽子!Sexy satin mini dress teams up with choker and Hustler "Head Nurse" hat.

项圈和单边长耳环是休闲打扮的最佳伴侣。The new choker necklaces and drop single earring is best worn when you dress down.

“詹姆斯的决定”成为了一段笑话,现在很多人把詹姆斯叫做是“被卡住的人”。The Decision has led to The Derision, and many are now calling LeBron James a choker.

购自美国海军军部,有襟章、腰带及军帽,连太阳眼镜。US Navy White Choker Uniform Set with a hat, webbing belt, sun glasses, ribbons, insignias &medals.

同理,项链的长度跟衣领也要相符,领口开得很低可以戴短项链,但穿衣领高而紧的套衫或高领衬衫就显得有些挤。A choker can be worn with a very deep neckline, but if you wear it with a turtle neck or high neck shirt, it looks crowded.

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佩带大吊灯形耳环或项链来遮掩光裸的脖子,用它们来搭配袒胸露背的衣服最佳,如宽项链或Y字型项链。Wear either chandelier earrings or a necklace that complements a bare neck and decolletage, like a choker or Y-drop design.

时尚窜珠颗颗分明,加上精美的手工彩色水晶相间更加热情奔放!The beaded trend sets the statement choker apart. A combination of beautifully handcrafted coloured crystals make it sparkle with class.

最近黑色月神拍了一些宣传照片,乐队身着鸡尾酒礼物,sammy在脖子上配了一条30年代风格的项链。When Black Luna shot some promotional photos recently, the rockers put on flouncy cocktail dresses, with Sammy wearing a 1930s-style choker.

创造,身穿一袭黑色无肩带晚礼服,玉颈上佩戴着一条包括一枚一克拉粉红方钻的项链。The one-off Barbie, created by Stefano Canturi, wears a black strapless evening dress with a choker featuring a one-carat square-cut pink diamond.

这位超低音歌手头顶复古的泡泡糖粉色头发,用一件绝美的舞会裙、颈链和绑带凉高跟来配合她一贯的乖张造型。The "Superbass" singer – rocking a retro, bubble-gum pink do – trades her typically wacky ensembles for a stunning Oscar de la Renta ball gown, choker and strappy sandals.

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为方便起重,负载由两条4.5米长附有套�的绳索缠绕,再用两条吊鍊连接至塔式起重机的�子上。For the purpose of lifting, the load was wrapped by two web slings of length 4.5 metres each through a single choker hitch and connected to the hook of the tower crane through two chain slings.