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它是按照标签和字母顺序分类的。It's categorized by tags and sorted alphabetically.

注意属性的列表是按字母顺序分类的。Notice that the list of attributes is sorted alphabetically.

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排序不会区分大小写,并且依照字母的递增顺序。The sort is case-insensitive and in alphabetically ascending order.

她按字母顺序把各州排列出来,但加利福尼亚却排错了顺序。She listed the states alphabetically but California was out of order.

例如,可以在报告中按字母顺序列出记录。For example, you could list your records in your report alphabetically.

在项目和场景中搜索的结果将按照字母顺序排列.Search results in project and scene search are now sorted alphabetically.

2010年世界杯球队昵称按国家字母顺序排名。The 2010 World Cup team nicknames are presented by country alphabetically.

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双击图像姓名栏头字母排序的过程。Double-click the Image Name column header to alphabetically sort the processes.

你们看到的所有的文件或程序,都会在这里按字母表顺序一一列出。Every file or program that you see here in this packet is alphabetically listed.

这数据库的所有数据栏可依字母顺序或日期先后分类。The field in this database can be sorted either alphabetically or by date of entry.

“按字母顺序排序”将组成实体的各个项显示为一个按字母顺序排序的列表。Sort Alphabetically displays the items that make up an entity as a single alphabetized list.

一些选项指向按字母顺序或者按最近访问组织的另一个菜谱列表。Some options led to a second list of recipes organized alphabetically or by most recent entry.

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我们想看看这些词汇的语言“地图”概况,并且将它们按字母顺序排列。We wanted to see linguistic maps of the words as thumbnails, and we wanted the words sorted alphabetically

现在,我想邀请我们的合作伙伴讲几句话,按照字母顺序从柬埔寨开始。Now, I would like to invite each of our partners to offer a few words, starting alphabetically with Cambodia.

如果没看到,那就是。hello c So if I say hello.c which actually doesn't exist in here hi1 c but hi1.c does, you'll find it alphabetically.

软件可以自动抽取网页标题,获取网页的url链接地址,并将标题按照字顺排序。Software can automatically extract page titles or headings, retain their page URL links, and sort them alphabetically.

按字母表顺序排名靠后而吃亏的人在业余时间凭空想出一种理论,认为这种倒霉事儿很早就开始了。One theory, dreamt up in all the spare time enjoyed by the alphabetically disadvantaged, is that the rot sets in early.

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你可以按作者或书名字母顺序来查看电子书列表,有声书同时也有多种语言版本。You can go through the list alphabetically for author and title. Audio books are also available in a number of languages.

按字母顺序给类别分类,并且只包含ID是16,3,9,和5的类别,你可以写下以下的代码。To sort categories alphabetically and include only the categories with IDs of 16, 3, 9 and 5, you could write the following code.

我收集了几份答卷,把它们按照字母顺序排列在下面,以供大家学习消遣。I took a number of the submissions andcompiled them into the alphabetically ordered list below for your education andentertainment.