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其实是个鸟窝模型。It's actually a birdhouse kiT.

你可以种一棵树或建一个鸟巢。You can plant a tree or build a birdhouse.

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钉子在我的手里可能会制造出一个鸟巢。Nails in my hands might produce a birdhouse.

这座住宅像放大版的鸟舍。The house is an amplified version of a birdhouse.

了解如何在这个自由装饰禽舍的视频。Learn how to decorate a birdhouse in this free video.

广泛地应用于家庭、餐厅、农场、禽舍等场所。Widely used in family, dining room, farm and birdhouse.

了解如何使禽舍看老在这免费视频。Learn how to make a birdhouse look old in this free video.

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了解如何螺丝禽舍一起在这个免费视频。Learn how to screw a birdhouse together in this free video.

破烂的鸟舍中一只老鼠啃着昨天的面包。Under the broken birdhouse a mouse plays with a nibble of yesterday's bread.

了解如何在此免费视频的一个禽舍屋顶制作鸟屋。Learn how to make the roof of a birdhouse in this free video on making birdhouses.

了解如何减少在这个自由视频制作鸟笼的禽舍的墙壁。Learn how to cut the walls of the birdhouse in this free video on making birdhouses.

了解如何削减在这免费视频制作鸟屋一禽舍木。Learn how to cut wood for making a birdhouse in this free video on making birdhouses.

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鸟儿熟知睡在围墙上的猫。它在笼中注视着猫的一举一动…The cat sleeping on the fence is famous to the birds watching him from the birdhouse.

了解如何在这免费视频为禽舍烟囱上制作鸟屋。Learn how to make a chimney for the birdhouse in this free video on making birdhouses.

了解如何在这个自由附加视频烟囱一禽舍有关使鸟屋。Learn how to attach the chimney to a birdhouse in this free video about making birdhouses.

了解如何连接两端的墙壁和在这个自由的禽舍的影片制作鸟屋。Learn how to attach the walls and ends of a birdhouse in this free video on making birdhouses.

我们的小鸟笼外面胶了一个窗户,因此单身男人就可以通过这个窗户看到里面小鸟的成长状况。Our birdhouse is glued on the outside a window, so the single man can watch his birds grow up from the inside!

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最后本文对应用基于贯流风机的风送式喷雾系统在禽舍喷雾消毒中的应用进行了系统的设计分析。Finally, the cross-flow fan spraying delivery system in the birdhouse spraying sanitization of the system design.

不论是那些热衷于参加鸟类研讨会或观鸟旅行的“老鸟”或是那些只想在院子里安置一个美观实用的鸟屋的“菜鸟”,任何人都能够在观鸟活动中得到属于自己的乐趣。Anyone can succeed at birding, from the avid birder who attends seminars and joins birding trips, to the beginner who just wants to have a functional and decorative birdhouse.