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弗瑞德将足球打足了气。Fred inflated the football with air.

用充气的猪膀胱,不相信吧?Inflated pig bladders would you believe!

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用嘴巴把一个充气的气球咬破。Bite through a inflated balloon by mouth.

几个投标人故意抬高价钱。A few bidders inflated the prices on purpose.

他用脚踏泵给橡皮救生艇充气。He inflated the rubber dinghy with a foot pump.

好吧,现在你已经夸大了他的自信,使他自我膨胀。All right, now you've gone and inflated his ego.

他被提拔后骄傲起来。He was inflated with pride since he was promoted.

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这种华而不实的风格本身就是一种委婉语。The inflated style itself is a kind of euphemism.

但是他正在为他夸大空洞的许诺付出代价。But he is paying a price for his inflated promises.

只尊重自己的人是骄傲自负的。Respect for none other than you is an inflated ego.

合适充气的备胎、千斤顶和轮胎扳手。Properly inflated spare tire, jack and wheel wrench.

它还宣称的死亡人数一直是言过其实的。It also claims the number of deaths has been inflated.

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载人轿车的轮胎充气量为275千帕到413千帕。Passenger- car tiresare inflated toabout275 to 413 kPa.

种子珠柄膨大的在基部,附属物胃形成。Seed funicle inflated at base, appendage stomach-shaped.

每个礼拜检查轮胎,并确认胎压是否适当。Check your tires weekly to make sure they're properly inflated.

一只充足气的健身球可以作为一把理想的椅子。A firmly inflated fitness or stability ball can make a good chair.

大约在1787年,查理研究气体的膨胀问题时,发现了这一定律。About 1787, Charles inflated gas study, it was found that the law.

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但是如果没有因3D而抬高的票价,这部影片能有此表现吗?But could the film have done it without inflated 3D ticket prices?

金融危机迅速扩展成全国性的经济危机。Financial crisis rapidly inflated to a nation-wide economic crisis.

结果①实验组尸体无腐败、霉变、固缩或膨胀。Results The cadavers didn't appear putrescent , mouldy or inflated.