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死在上流社会的两大霍尔登。Death in High Society by Inez Holden.

是的,霍尔登就是这样,有几个。Yes, Holden . That's all it was, some sex.

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霍尔顿努力地去解决成长中所面临的问题。Holden struggles with the problems of growing up.

只是他们的眼睛迷糊了,不认识他。But their eyes were holden that they should not know him.

事实上霍登当时也没想到研究家长打孩子屁股这一项。In fact, Holden didn't even know he'd be studying spanking.

说到在争论中获胜,没有人比得上霍尔登。No one can match Holden when it comes to winning an argument.

珍妮∙霍尔登是一位专长于经济问题的自由撰稿人。Jeanne Holden is a freelance writer with expertise in economic issues.

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最后,我们发现这个故事是霍尔顿在医院讲的。In the end, we find out that Holden is telling his story from the hospital.

Holden提到了McBurney学校,那是Salinger曾经上过的私立学校。Holden mentions the McBurney School, a private school that Salinger had attended.

侯灯有过103次铲球,是英超中铲球次数最多的球员。Stuart Holden has made 103 tackles, more than any other player in the top flight.

人生总有许多意外,握在手里面的风筝也会突然断了线。The life always has many accidents, the holden kite will also fly away without our line suddenly.

只有约西亚王十八年在耶路撒冷向耶和华守这逾越节。But in the eighteenth year of king Josiah, wherein this passover was holden to the LORD in Jerusalem.

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霍尔顿在去年的欧洲冠军联赛上投入了制胜的一球,帮助俄罗斯队力压西班牙赢得了冠军。Holden hit the winning shot of last year's European championship, as Russia shocked Spain for the title.

霍顿法官是一个与莎士比亚作品中的伊阿古有相似文学价值的凶徒和恶魔,对无休止的战争有着自己的一套理论。Judge Holden is a villain worthy of Shakespeare, Iago-like and demoniac, a theoretician of war everlasting.

共同主演的亨弗莱·鲍嘉轻视她,但是威廉·霍尔登和赫本相处地非常好。Co-star Humphrey Bogart was dismissive of her, but William Holden and she got along famously -- very famously.

霍顿·考尔菲德和特拉维斯·比考可算得上是20世纪美国文化中最值得纪念的反英雄人物。Holden Caulfield and Travis Bickle rank as two of the most memorable antiheroes of 20th century American culture.

他以第一人称的口吻叙述着,在这些心理活动的背后,是他对自己的精神分析。Holden tells his story in first person, from behind the walls of a mental facility where he is being psychoanalyzed.

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在分析哈克和霍尔顿的相似点的基础上,重点分析他们的不同点。Apart from an analysis of many affinities of Huck Finn and Holden Caulfield, their differences have also been focused.

在IPO巡回推介期间,霍登对潜在投资者说,亚马逊和Groupon之间惊人的相似。During its IPO road show, Mr. Holden told potential investors that the 'parallels between Amazon and Groupon are amazing.'

默多克踩住刹车,转到旁边小路上。泥土干硬后的道路坑坑洼洼,把正在减速的霍顿车颠得左摇右摆。Murdoch braked to turn onto a side road, where the dirt had hardened into corrugations that shook the Holden as it slowed.