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她给婴儿喂了饭,换了尿布。She fed the baby and changed its nappy.

一个小姑娘在假装更换一个玩偶的尿布。A young girl pretending to change a doll's nappy.

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尿布洗涤服务是高碳足迹的。Nappy washing services have the highest footprint of all.

让它熟悉气味,如尿布霜和婴儿爽身粉。Expose him to common smells such as nappy cream and baby powder.

她一想到给婴儿换脏尿布就不愿意。She blenches at the very thought of changing a baby's dirty nappy.

尿布马上被压缩成一团,并且干净、整洁、无味地密封起来。Instantly, the nappy is compacted and sealed without smells, germs or mess.

我一门心思要改变我的位置,噢,好了,终于摆脱了湿湿。All I wanted to do was change my position. Oh yeah, and get out of my wet nappy.

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我一门心思要改变我的位置,噢,好了,终于摆脱了湿湿的尿布。All I wanted to do was change my position. Oh yeah, and get out of my wet nappy.

尿布霜对蹒跚学步的小孩子就有如鱼子酱。And nappy cream is like caviar for toddles, best served straight from the bottom.

我把被子蹬到湿尿布上。I was starting to do some new movements. I had the sheets down to the top of my wet nappy.

在每次换尿布的时候涂抹在婴儿的屁屁及周围皮肤上,以帮助保护皮肤。Apply to baby's bottom and surrounding area at every nappy change to help protect the skin.

这种加厚型妈咪袋把拉链打开就是一块方便、舒适的垫子,可给宝宝换尿布。This padded changing bag unzips to form a convenient and comfortable mat for nappy changing.

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欢乐尿片软膏是一种镇静软膏,适用于由于垫尿片产生的红疹、过敏症状。Yippee Nappy is a soothing balm that will encourage the recovery of red, irritated skin in the nappy area.

他大声地叹了口气,然后又意识到在可可镇找个尿布可能比他原先预计的还要难。He sighed aloud as he also realized that finding a nappy in Coco town might be harder than he originally thought.

这些可悲的想要知道其他那些可悲的人是在等候公共汽车还是刚刚给小孩换完尿片的人是谁?Who are these sad people who want to know that some other sad person is waiting for a bus or has just changed a nappy?

临床试验研究表明每次换尿布时使用本产品能降低尿布疹的发生率。Clinical studies have shown that using Bepanthen Ointment at every nappy change leads to a lower incidence of nappy rash.

全是一尿布,顾名思义,单部分尿布系统,不需要任何单独包装或覆盖。An All in One nappy is, as the name suggests, a single-part nappy system that does not need any separate wrapper or covering.

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卡瓦费利普马赛内罗从10公尺高摔下却逃过一死,因为他的尿布勾在水泥墙内嵌的安全墙钉上。Caua Felipe Massaneiro survived the 10-metre fall because his nappy got caught on a security spike embedded in the concrete wall.

我知道年轻妈妈没有什么可以担心的,因为她知道她的小女儿穿着尿不湿,并且说不定在看小动物的时候,她女儿就忘记要小便了呀。I know the young Mum she nothing to worry, because she knew her daughter wore an urine safe nappy and maybe the rabbits caused her daughter forgot wee.

婴儿礼盒里还有保暖舒适的冬装、连体裤、彩色的连体套装,戴兜帽的浴巾、梳子、尿布霜和一个出牙玩具。Also included in the baby box are a snowsuit to keep Baby Cambridge cosy, leggings, colourful romper suits, a hooded bath towel, hairbrush, nappy cream and a teething toy.