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这外衣是氯纶织物制的。This coat is made of PVC.

将PVC管分割成你所需要的长度。PVC pipe will into what you need.

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PVC产品危害用户健康。PVC products endanger their users.

这件漂亮的外衣是氯纶织物制的。This beautiful coat is made of PVC.

而PVC在玩具中其实非常常见。And PVC can be pretty common in toys.

可以代替PVC等橡胶材料。Can replace PVC and rubber materials.

专用于PVC导管。热缩管等管材或藤条。Apply to PVC pipe, heat-shrink pipe or cane.

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窗口罐---带PVC透明窗口的铁罐。Window box---tin box with window of PVC film.

PVC结构,配置聚四氟乙烯阀座和FPM密封。PVC construction with PTFE seat and FPM seals.

产品采用商级的PVC布料精制而成。The products made from the excellent PVC cloth.

生产酒店、商场、广场地面用防滑垫。PVC floor mat for rolling , can be printed logo.

本公司长期供应,PVC薄膜开关。Our company long-term supply, PVC membrane switch.

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过塑编织袋内衬塑料薄膜袋。Packed in PVC woven bags with membrane bags inside.

塑料过滤器是采用穿孔PVC或CPVC过滤网。Plastic Strainers are perforated PVC or CPVC screens.

实心玻璃钢船壳。水线上PVC夹心材三明治结构。Solid Fiberglass Hull with PVC Cored Above Waterline.

聚氯乙烯是易于安装在一个平方衬垫水池。It is easier to install a PVC liner in a squarer pond.

PVC管材切割面板的扩散织物钢锯。Cut PVC pipe for diffusion panel fabric with a hacksaw.

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我们在寻找柔软的,耐用的压花聚氯乙烯皮革。We are looking for soft, durable, embossed PVC leather.

然后我用PVC管材按照这个布局模式制作了一个模型。Then I built a model using this pattern from PVC tubing.

废料容易再生,可制成其他聚氯乙稀的产品。Waste matter is recyclable, can produce other PVC product.