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我以前是一名吸毒者。I am a former drug addict.

汤森特医生是个嗜药成癖的瘾君子。Dr. Townsend was a drug addict.

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当然,爱上瘾听上去更顺耳。Love addict sounds nicer for sure.

她变成了一个虔诚的基督徒。She became an addict of Christianity.

性与爱情成瘾者并不孤独。The sex and love addict is not alone.

好吧,我承认,我是瘾君子。O.K., I confess. I might be an addict.

不仅如此,你还会冒着成为瘾君子的危险。Also, you run the risk of becoming an addict.

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一名28岁的韩国电视游戏迷。A 28-year-old South Korean a video games addict.

瘾君子到处潜行找个地方吸毒。The addict prowled about for a place to drug up.

我叫高艾吗,也我是巧克力耽溺者再生。My name is Emma and I'm a recovering chocolate addict.

古天乐在电影里演一个几近疯狂的瘾君子。Louis Koo stars as a desperate drug addict in the film.

那些非常年青的吸毒者是人们所见到的最可悲的一幕。The most tragical sight of all is the very young addict.

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叫我报虫也好,叫我自由撰稿人也罢。You may call me a newspaper addict or free-lance writer.

女孩辞职上镜头,爆老板玩农场游戏上瘾Girl quits job on camera, exposes boss as Farmville addict

现在又迷上了大自然,于是画了张动物的速写。I'm kind of addict to the nature, so I drew those sketches!

尝试新事物,避免乐极生悲吸毒者到您的计算机。Try new things and avoid getting too addict to your computer.

那个学生后来成了一个瘾君子而且…That student went on to become a drug addict and a ne're-do-well.

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我是一个自来水笔成瘾者,但我并不需要帮助时,只是了解。I am a fountain pen addict but I don't need help, just understanding.

总而言之,药物康复中心旨在恢复药物成瘾者的生活。In sum, Drug Rehab must aim at rebuilding the life of the drug addict.

毒瘾者即便是在「戒绝恶习」之后,通常一辈子都会受其影响。The addict is usually marked for life, even after "kicking the habit."