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谁能帮忙告诉我2,4—D用什么方法溶解吗?Who can help it tell 2 , 4- Dhow be dissolve?

我怎样才能控制情绪,以使每天卓有成效呢?除非我心平气和,否则迎来的又将是失败的一天。And dhow will I master these emotions so that each day will be productive?

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主办方还会力邀客人们参加迪拜三角帆船晚宴之旅。The guests coming to Dubai are recommended to take dhow dinner tour of Dubai.

这是名为“苏哈尔”的阿拉伯帆船模型。This ship model is a miniature copy of a life-sized Arab dhow called the Sohar.

船名是根据辛伯达的出生地阿曼海港苏哈尔而命名。The dhow was named after the Omani port city where Sindbad is believed to have been born.

德霍战船上千年来一直是阿拉伯世界传统船只,多用于贸易货运,但亦可搭载部队。A ship already in use for a thousand years. The Dhow is a trading vessel that can carry troops.

德霍战船配备一面或更多三角帆,上千年来,一直是阿拉伯世界传统船只。In use for over a thousand years the Dhow is a traditional Arab sailing vessel with one or more triangular 'Lateen' sails.

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三角帆船一直是阿拉伯人在印度洋的主力交通工具,一如中国人仰赖木帆船往返东南亚。For Arab countries the dhow has been the workhorse of the Indian Ocean, as the junk has been for the Chinese in Southeast Asia.

被逮走的英国水员是从英国政府公务康沃尔市的护卫舰乘坐两只膨胀的小船登上那艘走私渔船的。The men, who had approached the dhow in two inflatable boats from the frigate HMS Cornwall, were taken to an Iranian naval base.

三角帆船一直是阿拉伯人在印度洋的主力交通工具,一如中国人仰赖木帆船往返东南亚。For Arab countries the dhow has been the workhorse of the Indian Ocean, just as the junk has been for the Chinese in Southeast Asia.

如同今天印有“中国制造”的运动鞋、电子产品被一船一船的运送到国外一样,这艘帆船上的大部分商品都是外贸货。Like the shiploads of sneakers or electronics stamped "Made in China" today, most of the items recovered from the dhow were trade goods.

如今,迪拜2011国际游艇展已经做好准备再次为游客们奉上各式各样的豪华游艇,以及迪拜三角帆船之旅。Hence, once again the Dubai International Boat Show 2011 is all set to showcase varied boats luxury yachts and Dubai dhow cruises to the guests.

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Dhow来自dawa,但如果去问任何讲阿拉伯语的朋友,你会发现他们都不知道dawa这个词,因为它已不再常用。Dhow comes from dawa, though if you ask any of your Arabic-speaking friends, you’ll find they don’t know the word, as it’s no longer in common use.

当地时间上午10点,英国皇家海军和皇家陆战队队员在对沙特阿拉伯水域的一只渔船例行检查时被伊朗海军带走了。The Royal Navy and Royal Marines personnel were taken after they had boarded a dhow during a routine patrol in the Shatt al-Arab waterway at 10am local time.

屋顶的设计灵感既是来源于海洋环境内有机的壳体形式,也是来自于当地渔船上的风帆。The roof lines were inspired both by the organic shell forms of the marine environment but also by the ubiquitous dhow sails seen all over the Quirimbas on the local fishing vessels.