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同志的思想和学说是永存的。The thinks and theory of Chairman Mao are perpetuation.

防止社会性别不平等的代际传递。limiting the perpetuation of gender inequality across generations

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因此,对比和决策是必需长期存在的生活。Therefore, contrast and decision are essential to the perpetuation of life.

至于所谓的传宗接代,世界上多一个少一个姓我的姓或是姓张王李赵的又有什么关系?As for the perpetuation of a name, what is one Warthman or Wang more or less in the world?

毫无疑问,礼貌性谎言长久以来作为一种社会惯例,面子起了重要作用。There is no question that face plays a role in the perpetuation of the polite lie as a social convention.

政治制度只有当它与组织的长期利益相一致,并受到其支持时才会稳定。Political institutions will be stable only if they are supported by organizations with an interest in their perpetuation.

公众似乎不愿走出他们的无知,这也许对慈善机构历来不变的不透明操作有点好处。Charities may be aided in the perpetuation of their opacity by a public that seems unwilling to be freed from its ignorance.

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一个人的承诺,确保动机永恒,来保持那,但害怕痛苦在发展意识上。It is the prospect of the pain in turn for breaking ones promises that ensures the perpetuation of the motivation to keep that.

非洲文化的延续并不依赖于他们在原始状态下特定的民间故事的引入和永久流传。Cultural continuities with Africa were not dependent on importation and perpetuation of specific folktales in their pristine form.

维持着一种甚至不允许我考虑,在长期存在的问题中自己所担任的角色的心态是及其危险的。Inhabiting a mindset which won't allow me to even consider that I play some role in the perpetuation of the problem is a dangerous place to live.

而在我国大陆地区,对民事证据保全制度的立法规定得太原则,没有规定证据保全制度的具体程序,未对其条件、范围等做具体规定。But in Chinese mainland, the legislation of the perpetuation of civil evidence is too principle, without specific procedures or their conditions, scope and so on.

实现承诺就是充分表达出,意图,渴望来做我所承诺的,意志记忆只是这不朽的渴望。It may be a promise I expressed the intention or the desire in a full sense to do what I have promised the wills memory simply is the perpetuation of this desire.

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促使或导致一种有机生物的生存和繁殖,以使其它生物死亡或不能繁殖后代的自然的或人工的过程。Biology A natural or artificial process that favors or induces survival and perpetuation of one kind of organism over others that die or fail to produce offspring.

华盛顿所期望的是永久的美国式和平,一种由美国在亚洲的力量所担保的自由的和平,即使世界上人口最稠密的国家再次出现也难移其志。Washington seeks the perpetuation of Pax Americana, a liberal peace underwritten by American power in Asia, despite the re-emergence of the world's most populous country.

证据保全是有关机关在特定情况下对证据材料采取保护措施以保证其证明力的一种制度。The system of civil perpetuation of evidence is some relevant authorities of the evidence take protective measures to ensure the force of evidence in specific circumstances.

通过毁灭其它者是终极的永存,而这个舞蹈全一之源以前从没有在时空内外任何一个造物里看到过。This is the ultimate perpetuation through the destruction of others, and a dance that the One Source has never seen before in any creation inside and outside of time and space.

要想维持这些女孩和妇女们不健康图片在流行文化中的长久性,就需要有希望收看这类电视、电影或广告图片的观众。The continued pop-culture perpetuation of unhealthy images of girls and women requires the existence of viewers who are willing to watch such television, movie, and advertising images.

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这篇综论将探讨呼吸道平滑肌的功能,说明它除了是一种被动的调节支气管运动张力的组织外,也可以在气喘中失学调节气道发炎与重塑的角色。This review will present evidence that ASM, a passive contractile tissue, may also play an important role in the perpetuation of airway inflammation and the remodeling of the airway in asthma.

如果真正的缅甸联邦国家得以建立,那么为了永久维持国家团结及独立,结为联邦的各邦的少数民族人民不得有脱离联邦的念头或者行为。For the perpetuation of national solidarity and independence, the Minority Peoples of the Federating States must renounce secession, provided that a genuine Federal United States of Burma is in place.