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结果成功原代培养了猪眼RPE细胞。Results Primary porcine RPE cells were cultured successfully.

抑制PVR的关键就是抑制RPE细胞的增殖。The key point of blocking PVR is inhibiting the proliferation of RPE.

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该设计规范将由经认可的注册专业工程师负责评审和核准。Such a design specification will be subject to review and approval by an approved RPE.

新近研究的某些生长因子在RPE细胞的增生和移行中发挥了重要作用。Some growth factors play an important role in the proliferation and migration of RPE cell.

方法采用酶消化法及酶辅助机械分离法分别分离IPE和RPE细胞。Methods IPE and RPE cells were isolated by enzymatic digestion method and enzyme-assisted microdissection method respectively.

色素上皮与神经视网膜层的脱离可直接诱发炎性因子在神经视网膜层及色素上皮层的高表达。The separation of neuro-retina and RPE could induce the over expression of pro-inflammatory cytokine both in neuro-retina and RPE directly.

本研究利用两个严重眼球外伤的个案取其眼球剜除之标本进行视网膜色素上皮细胞之培养。The present study attempted to isolate and cultivate RPE cells from evisceration specimens obtained from two cases with severe ocular trauma.

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结论低氧血症、肺动脉高压和肺中性粒细胞的激活和扣押是RPE的特点。Conclusion RPE is characterized by hypoxemia, pulmonary hypertension, and pulmonary polymorphonuclear neutrophil activation and sequestration.

能否通过移植正常、健康的RPE细胞治疗这类视网膜疾病,是当前眼科界关注的重要研究课题。Transplantation of normal healthy RPE cells with an attempt to treat the retinal diseases is one of the current interests in ophthalmic research.

RPE下面是为视网膜提供血液的毛细管,血液和RPE之间的薄层叫做血视网膜屏障。Below the RPE are the capillaries that form the retina's blood supply, but between blood and RPE is a thin layer called the blood-retinal barrier.

结论视网膜脱离诱导RPE细胞增殖,而视网膜复位后这种增殖受到抑制。Conclusion Proliferation of RPE cells is induced when they lose contact with neural retina, but inhibited after neural retina reattached to RPE cells.

在许多科研团体中,这种干细胞已经被分离出来,并被给予“取代视网膜色素上皮细胞和和感光细胞潜在资源”的评价。Stem cells have now been isolated by many scientific groups and are being evaluated as a potential source for replacement of RPE and photoreceptor cells.

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RPE移植将只能帮助那些仍保留部分可利用感光层的病人,但将来病情更重的病人也可能获益。RPE transplants would only be helpful for people who still have some photoreceptors left to salvage, but one day even people beyond this stage may benefit.

方法利用体外培养的单层近融合期人RPE细胞,采用棉签和角膜移植用环钻做圆形细胞刮伤区,建立体外RPE细胞损伤模型。Methods Cultured monolayer-confluent human RPE cells were scraped with a trephine and a cotton stick, and set up the injured model of RPE cells with round scraped area.

个案一采传统组织体外培养法,结果发现虽然视网膜色素上皮细胞顺利生长,但是被纤维母细胞,黑色素细胞等其他种类细胞污染而驳杂不纯。In Case 1, RPE cells grew from the explants, but were contaminated with other cells such as fibroblasts and melanocytes, and no pure RPE cultures were obtained by explantation.

州注册专业工程师委员会注册证明书的副本,以及个人经验证明和资质审查日期等信息,将保留在工程和质量保证部门的文件内。Copies of the RPE State board registration certificate together with personnel experience and qualification data will be retained on file within the Engineering and QA Departments.

利用目标心率和RPE方法对老年人运动量进行监测,预防老年人运动意外的发生,达到增进健康,预防疾病,提高老年人的生活质量。The paper analyzed the target heart and RPE monitoring old peoples sport, to prevent old people from illness and accident when exercising, and improve their health and living quality.

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自发荧光增强见于增殖性病变或RPE的吞噬代谢活性如PED,RPE撕裂中RPE的收缩,或隐匿性CNV伴RPE增殖。Increased autofluorescence was found in lesions with proliferative or phagocytotic metabolic activity of the RPE like PED, shrinked RPE in RPE tears or occult CNV with RPE proliferations.

对RPE算法进行了改进和补充,使之适用于简单递归网,用来对网络的权值和阈值进行调整。This RPE algorithm was adapted to the simple recurrent network by making improvement and complementarity, and the weight and the threshold of the network can be adjusted at the same time.

结果用此方法分离培养的细胞其结构完整,纯度高,收获量多,在体外生长旺盛,达到铺满汇合的时间缩短,同时维持体内细胞的许多生物学和形态学特点。Results This procedure gave RPE cells intact morphology, higher purity, high quantity , vigorous growth, short converging time and maintained a lot of biologic and morphologic characteristics invivo.