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这项补栽保全苗技术,可普遍推广。It is possible to popularize generally the technique.

新异独创的大众化风格,使赵树理成为名动一时的人民作家。Special and popularize Style made him become the top writer.

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你累不累啊,你还有时间去推广网站吗?You are tired, do you still have time to popularize a website?

他坚持要求高的学术标准而不愿意大众化。He insited on a high schoolastic standard and would not popularize.

事实上,大家还在努力把罪美化,让它更受欢迎。In fact, there is a definite attempt to popularize and glamorize sin.

构造一行列式函数将柯西中值定理推广。Construct a determinant function to popularize Cauchy theorem of mean.

兰卡斯特精心撰写了许多手册,希望推广这种模式。Lancaster wrote many manuals in his efforts to popularize the methods.

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他是第一个创建和普及一种爵士风格的白人乐队领队。He was the first white bandleader to adopt and popularize a jazz style.

因此,在我国北方,榅桲具有很高的推广价值。Therefore, Cydonia oblonga Mill has highly value to popularize in North China.

因此,有必要将风水学的知识进行深入的研究并普及开来。Therefore, it is necessary to research in-depth of Feng Shui and popularize it.

本发明构思新颖,结构简单,加工容易,适宜推广。Said invention structure is simple, novel and is easy to manufacture and popularize.

他既希望推广电子舞蹈音乐,同时也希望赚点钱。He wanted to popularize electronic dance music as much as he wanted to make some money.

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为普及孝悌观念,孝文帝采取了五大方面的措施。In order to popularize the filial concept, Emperor Xiaowen took measures in five aspects.

用小资产阶级知识分子所需要、所便于接受的东西吗?Popularize what is needed and can be readily accepted by the petty-bourgeois intellectuals?

随着社会的发展,钢琴在音乐教学中的使用越来越普及。With the development of society, piano use of the teaching popularize more and more in music.

艺术教育是普及大学生素质教育的一个发展热点。Art education is one of the focuses to popularize the all-round development of college students.

表现出丰产、稳产、中早熟和适应性较强等优点,适宜于中高海拔地区及长江流域中下游双季稻作区种植。It is suitable to popularize in the area of medium or high altitude and double cropping of rice.

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因此,托盘水床育苗技术适宜于贵州烟区应用。It was preferable to popularize tray-waterbed system in Guizhou flue-cured tobacco growing area.

最近刚看到台北街头种了些小植栽,是因为推广花博的关系。Recently saw Taipei's street has few little plants, that's because popularize Taipei Flora Expo.

一位来自纽约尤蒂卡的炼金术士,是最初普及这个想法的人们之一。Cyrus Teed, an alchemist from Utica , N. Y. , was one of the first people to popularize this idea.